Sprout: Istuta Puita, Kasvata
Täyttää Shopifyn korkeimmat laatustandardit nopeuden, helppokäyttöisyyden ja kauppiasarvon osalta
Istuta puita, tavoita ympäristötietoiset asiakkaat ja tee pysyvä vaikutus planeettaamme
Kauppiaat luottavat Sproutiin puiden istuttamisessa ja ympäristötietoisten asiakkaiden uskollisuuden rakentamisessa. Sisällytä puiden istutus kauppaasi, istuta puu jokaisesta myynnistä tai käytä Shopify Flow'ta istuttaaksesi puita arvostelujen perusteella. Lahjoitukset menevät globaaleille voittoa tavoittelemattomille järjestöille. Palkitse asiakkaasi puilla ja rakenna kestävää tulevaisuutta. Elvytä luonnollisia elinympäristöjä, paranna koralliriuttojen terveyttä ja taistele ilmastonmuutosta vas
- Automatisoi puiden istutus lahjoitukset ja keskity liiketoimintaasi
- Vaikutus etusivulla, tuotteessa, ostoskorissa, kiitossivulla ja tilauksen seuran
- Monikielinen ja -valuuttainen tuki kaikille markkinointimerkinnöille
- Laadukas kuva- ja videokirjasto vaikutuksesi markkinointiin
- Omistautunut tukitiimi auttaa sinut alkuun!
- Kohokohdat
- Käytä suoraan Shopify Adminissa
- Toimii uusimpien teemojen kanssa
Englanti, Saksa, Italia, Kiina (yksinkertaistettu), Kiina (perinteinen), Tšekki, Tanska, Espanja, Hollannin kieli, Suomi, Japani, Korea, Norja (bokmål), Puola, Portugali (Brasilia), Portugali (Portugali), Ruotsi, Thai, ja Turkki
Toimii seuraavan kanssa:
- Shopify Flow
- Kassa
- Asiakastilit
- PageFly
- GemPages
- Ecomposer
- Judge.me
- Rebuy Smart Cart
- Flow
Lahjoitusten hallinta
Ostoskorin näkymä
Kassan mukauttaminen
Ilmainen asennus
Ensimmäiset 50 puuta ilmaiseksi. Sen jälkeen 0,43 € per puu. Ei kuukausimaksuja :)
Kaikki maksut laskutetaan valuutassa USD.
Arvostelut (314)
- 100 % arvioista on 5 tähteä
0 % arvioista on 4 tähteä
0 % arvioista on 3 tähteä
0 % arvioista on 2 tähteä
0 % arvioista on 1 tähteä
This app is amazing! This was one of the first apps I downloaded during my first attempt at hosting a shop and the experience was phenomenal! Not only did I get additional assistance on setting up and opening my store (not just with GoodAPI related questions, but also general Shopify questions), but they are quick to respond to any questions I had over the months that I have been hosting on Shopify!
It's also been so great to get the monthly certificates/updates to see the difference my shop is making through the trees that are being planted. It's such an easy way to feel good about what you're selling (especially since I'm selling books - planting trees with each book that is sold seems like a great combination).
Overall, highly recommend GoodAPI!!
Thanks Thannunaj for the kind words! We are so proud and happy to be partnering and planting with you! one day someone will read your writing under one of these trees :) !
This is the best app I've added to my website and I'm so happy to be able to give back a little bit with each purchase.
I had a technical issue with adding the badge to my drawer cart and Mirvise helped me out immediately and was so awesome! They even sent me a few images/videos to use to share the work they do on my socials. Wonderful help and so quick!
I can't recommend this app enough, it's been a really great addition to my website, the impact we make on the world + how my customers understand the importance of taking care of our planet.
10 stars if I could! :)
Seed by seed we will create change. Thanks for doing your part in reforesting the world!
Mirvise has been super awesome with helping me setup the app and making it look good with my theme. His answering time and turnarounds are very quick. He's friendly and informative and goes that extra mile to make sure we have all the info needed and that the app solves all our needs. We're excited to work with the GoodAPI to help us grow trees with every hanky our customers get!
This app and team are fantastic! Super helpful and friendly customer support offered a lightning fast and clever solution as soon as I reached out about a color scheme issue. This is an awesome way to make an impact and build trust with customers. The developers have also streamlined every aspect of set-up with customization choices and easy steps. Highly recommended!
We are very pleased with this app, one of the only available to help our sustainable fashion store be a carbon neutral business. One tree planted per item sold as donations go to Eden Reforestation Projects. Trees help offset and absorb the harmful carbon emissions that drive climate change. Saif is always wonderful to work with and we look forward to continuing our partnership. We are interested in exploring the new plastic bottle removal partnership as well--a critical effort the world needs.
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