Hextom: Ultimate Sales Boost 是一個全方位提升轉換率的App。它提供了30多種提升轉換率的工具,例如庫存計時、倒數計時、信譽徽章、買一贈一等,幫助您增加網店黑五的銷售額。
- 30多種提升轉換率和促銷的工具,完全可自訂,一鍵配置。
- 可顯示在網店的每個頁面,包括主頁、分類頁、產品頁、購物車頁、結帳頁。
- 倒數計時器、庫存倒數、圖片標籤、貼紙、買一送一、追加銷售。
- 免費送貨資訊、到貨倒數計時器、信任徽章、付款徽章。
- 可以對地理位置、顧客畫像、頁面、產品、來顯示不同行銷訊息,也可以定時顯示行銷訊息。
- 特色
- 廣受美國商家愛用
- 可與最新佈景主題搭配使用
英文、 法文、 德文、 西班牙文、 義大利文、 葡萄牙文 (巴西)、 葡萄牙文 (葡萄牙)、 簡體中文、 繁體中文,以及 日文
- GemPages
- PageFly
- Hextom 翻译和货币 多语言翻译+多币种转换
- EComposer Landing Page Builder
- Free Shipping Bar ‑ 免费配送
- 支付徽章
- 庫存倒數
- 產品和購物車頁面上的倒數計時器
- 產品和購物車頁面上的促銷訊息
- 產品定位
$9.99 /月
- 入門套餐加上..
- 信任徽章
- 產品圖上顯示的倒數計時器
- 圖片行銷標籤
- 郵寄到貨倒數計時器
- 主頁和產品系列頁面促銷
- 地區定位
7 天免費試用
$29.99 /月
- 基礎計劃加上..
- 買一送一訊息
- 產品標籤定位
- 客戶標籤定位
- 客戶消費定位
- 活動調度
7 天免費試用
所有費用均以 USD 計價。 定期費用和依使用量計費方案,均以 30 天為週期收費。
評價 (10,253)
I love this app! It has great features and makes it easy to turn on and off different messages. Thank you for providing such a great free app - especially helpful for small businesses!
Hextom: Ultimate Sales Boost is my secret weapon for improving CVR on e-commerce stores. Between their timer bar, image labels, and other little clever conversion rate hacks, we've seen massive increases to rev YOY in comparison to not using their apps.
On top of that, their customer support is top notch. Two times I've had to reach out because the app wasn't working as expected, and they not only respond immediately, but help resolve the issue immediately!
Excellent Tool for Boosting Sales and Conversions!
I’ve been using Hextom: Ultimate Sales Boost for a while now, and it has been a game-changer for my online store. The app offers a wide variety of features that are super easy to set up, and I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my store’s performance.
One of the standout features is the ability to create eye-catching pop-ups for promotions, such as my current "3for2" deal. It helps engage customers and encourages them to take advantage of special offers. The countdown timers also add a sense of urgency, which has really helped boost conversions.
The customization options are fantastic—you can tailor pop-ups to match your brand’s style perfectly. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with my Shopify store, making it effortless to track and manage.
The analytics provided by the app have also helped me better understand customer behavior and optimize my sales strategies.
Overall, I highly recommend Hextom: Ultimate Sales Boost for any e-commerce store looking to increase sales, improve customer engagement, and streamline promotions. It’s worth every penny!
This app has everything you need to get started. I just downloaded it and will update my review after 3 months of using it.
good!An excellent plug-in recommended by others!
應用程式支援由 Hextom 提供。