让您的客户从任何地方上传他们的文件 - 在他们的手机上、电脑上,或从他们的Facebook、Instagram或Dropbox账户中。 然后文件会快速且可靠地上传,显示在产品页面和购物车中,并可从您的Shopify仪表板下载。 通过我们的Google Drive集成,文件将自动下载到您的团队电脑上。客户还可以在结账后通过我们的Pro计划上传文件。
- 接受来自手机、电脑、Facebook、Instagram等的文件
- 让客户预览、自动增强、旋转、锐化和裁剪图像
- 自动同步上传的文件到您的Google Drive以加快订单处理
- 让客户立即上传文件,或在结账后上传
- 自动扫描所有文件以检测恶意软件并阻止病毒和木马
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
结账, Instagram, Google Photos, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Facebook自定义
- 在您的Shopify免费试用期间免费
- 由Shopify合作伙伴运营的开发商店免费
$9.95 /月
- 无限字段
- 自动恶意软件扫描
- 文件大小最多200MB
- 保留期最长3个月
7 天免费试用
$24.95 /月
- 无限字段
- 自动恶意软件扫描
- 无UploadKit品牌
- 文件大小最多5GB
- 保留期最长12个月
- 同步到Google Drive
7 天免费试用
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
评论 (188)
I'm a photo printer and this app works very well for my clients to see the crops of their images before uploading them. I've had to contact the help desk a couple of times and they have always been very fast in reaching back to me with our different time zones and very helpful.
I am more than satisfied. They helpd me immediately and didn't give up till they found a solution for my problem. Amazing support service, amazing app. I recommend it! :)
This app is easy to use and does a really good job at uploading photos and text. I needed help changing the button color, and the support team responded quickly and followed up to ensure everything was okay. Highly recommend using it!
the product does not save pictures this 1.
After deleting the application, I reinstalled it again, it wants the 1-month fee I paid again, this 2 other applications are more comfortable, believe me.
Billing is handled directly by Shopify, and you won't be charged a second time -- you just have to re-approve the standard monthly fees after uninstalling. We've already offered to refund the first charge if you decide not to use the app -- however nothing has been billed yet so it's still a little early. Please get back in touch with us at hello@getuploadkit.com if you'd like us to handle that for you. Thanks!
App has been working for us amazingly, no sweat. Setup was easy, the tutorials made it super simple! Essentially, the success of my entire ecommerce store is capable thanks to this app... Which is a little scary in a way, but this app allows me to be successful, and I'm so glad I found it!
Aside from the app working right out of the gate, the support is second to none... All my questions were responded to within a day. For some more extra technical questions, the team forwarded me to Toby who is just a pleasure to work with! I'd hate to set the bar too high for this guy but he's been literally coding us unique templates specifically for our businesses needs and I'm so grateful for his attention to the customers. His app did what it was supposed to do, and yet he wants to help us out and solve more of our problems!
Awesome app, great team, exceptional service. Thank you
UploadKit 可以回答您关于 File Uploads by UploadKit 的任何问题。