Varos为您的数字营销和增长指标提供实时基准。 基准指标的示例包括CAC、重复购买、CPM和放弃结账。按子垂直领域、广告支出水平和AOV水平与类似公司进行比较。 品牌使用Varos来查看他们与同行的比较情况,并找到表现不佳的指标,而不是盲目行动。
- Shopify基准 - 查看重复购买率、LTV等与同行的比较。
- 广告基准 - 查看CPM/CTR/CAC在FB/TikTok/Google上的比较情况
- 基于您类别中的高绩效者提供改进机会
结账, Facebook, Google Ads, TikTok, Facebook AdsI would recommend downloading the app. The vertical insight is helpful to accomplish your business goals.
Great data for each eCom industry. Looking forward to what they have installed for the future! Breakdown of all the important metrics like CPP, CPC, CPM, etc
It's crazy how this app is helping us to see the global state of ads and taking decisions accordingly. The team is also impressive. Totally recommended!
Compared to what? That's the question in every marketer's mind when evaluating their performance. Of course, you have your own baseline to measure against but that doesn't help you understand how you compare relative to your peers. Finally, Varos helps bridge that gap.
Amazing! It's so helpful to see all our business benchmarks in one place. I had always needed to have several conversations with other founders to see if their CPC/CPM/CAC or other metrics were changing, and then just need to take their word for it. With Varos, I can just log in and see if others are experiencing the same thing. Plus every time I login, there's a new feature!
If you don't have Varos, you're flying with a blindfold on.
Varos 可以回答您关于 Varos 的任何问题。