阻止优惠券代码和推荐链接泄漏 - 在结账时阻止优惠券扩展。
通过在结账时阻止Honey、Capital One、Coupert、RetailMeNot等优惠券扩展来阻止优惠券代码泄漏。与您的联盟/影响者应用程序集成,使您的推荐链接不可泄漏。通过仪表板、分析和报告获取警报并监控优惠券使用/泄漏情况。停止过度支付联盟、错误归因销售和对高意向客户的折扣。使用AI + ML应用最小的折扣来促使每个客户转化 | 在我们的网站上预订演示 |
- 优惠券阻止器:在结账时阻止优惠券扩展。
- 活动链接:生成唯一的一次性优惠券的不可泄漏链接。
- 同时运行多个活动,仅奖励预期客户。
- 智能折扣:应用最小的折扣来促使每个客户转化。
- 白标 - 完全可定制 - 零网站速度影响 - 无残留代码。
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
结账, Roster, UpPromote定价
$59 /月
+$39 每增加1,000个订单
- 每月最多1,000个订单
- 阻止Honey、CapitalOne、Coupert等扩展
- 不可泄漏的推荐链接
- 折扣代码注入分析
14 天免费试用
$99 /月
+$39 每增加1,000个订单
- 每月最多5,000个订单
- 阻止Honey、CapitalOne、Coupert等扩展
- 不可泄漏的推荐链接
- 折扣代码注入分析
14 天免费试用
$199 /月
+$39 每增加1,000个订单
- 每月最多10,000个订单
- 阻止Honey、CapitalOne、Coupert等扩展
- 不可泄漏的推荐链接
- 折扣代码注入分析
14 天免费试用
$349 /月
+$39 每增加1,000个订单
- 每月最多20,000个订单
- 阻止Honey、CapitalOne、Coupert等扩展
- 不可泄漏的推荐链接
- 折扣代码注入分析
14 天免费试用
We've had a great experience with Veeper so far. The product is essential for tackling the widespread issue of coupon code leaks, and the support from the Veeper team has been outstanding. I highly recommend giving it a try!
Influencers play a big role in our marketing, which naturally leads to a lot of leaked codes. We didn’t want to create new ones and risk losing the value of influencer posts, so we felt stuck. Then we found Veeper. We’re thrilled with its performance, the customer service, and how many codes it’s blocked from extensions like Honey and Capital One. Highly recommend!
As a small business, I was worried how Veeper would help me make sales. Veeper has already helped me increase sales with its smart discounts. I'm excited to watch my company grow with this app. THANK YOU!
great app - customer service is great and quick when I needed assistance - and we've seen an increase in sales
Really enjoying using Veeper so far. Super easy to setup and increased our add-to-cart rate and average order value.
Veeper 可以回答您关于 Veeper ‑ Stop Coupon Leaks 的任何问题。