Webkul Warranty Management
- 定价
$9/月。 提供免费试用。
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
- 评分
- 5.0 (4)
建立客户的忠诚度。 为产品添加保修,并允许客户延长产品的保修期。
商店所有者可以为产品添加保修,客户在购买时可以在产品上看到相同的保修。该应用提供了一些惊人的配置来添加保修,甚至可以让商店所有者决定保修是现场还是非现场。 管理员可以通过点击页面右上角的“添加产品”按钮简单地为产品添加保修。客户也会在Shopify商店的“我的账户”部分看到保修列表。
- 为产品提供保修,让客户信任您的品牌。
- 客户可以在他们的"我的账户"部分记录产品保修
- 可以发送定制的邮件给客户,通知保修期的到期/延长
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
I am glad I chose Webkul Warranty.
There are a variety of options in the management of the application, which allows the adjustment of warranty extension for products on the site.
The members of the support team respond very quickly and have been very helpful in fulfilling all kinds of requests I had to adjust the display in my store. warmly recommended.
We recently downloaded WebKul to set up an extended warranty platform for our customers, and it's been a great program to use so far! The staff is overseas so the meetings we schedule are early, but they've been very helpful in answering questions we had and showing us how to set up the emails customers receive, work on getting this program together and scheduling a call is very easy from the app. We get the last steps configured next week and we're very excited to get going! Thank you!
Good hand-holding during the setup of the app. Keep up the good work. Thanks......................................
Great customer support. We couldn't insert the code ourselves because we don't have tech support within our company, these guys were great. We scheduled a call with them and they helped us to install everything live, which no app developer ever does! We loved the onboarding experience and I think all other developers should take the same approach.
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