Reseñas (4.195)
Por calificación
In listing page it is very clear that app is free for development store only. Noone can offer free software. It requires huge amount of work as well as server cost which ...
Bona app i gratis! No es pot demanar més.
Esta mal que inicien cobrando 3usd/mes mientras que en todos lados han dicho que es gratis. Si bien hay una parte de pago, es de esperarse que se pueda habilitar posteriormente. Por deshonestidad califico con una estrella.
this app is so good, i am using for 2 years, but now the button is not showing. please help me
No es lo que prometen y se instala automaticamente otra aplicación llamada Pushdaddy WhatsApp, Live Chat, que hace un cobro automatico. Nada de la app funciona
Pushdaddy replied November 15, 2024
In listing page it is very clear that app is free for development store only. Noone can offer free software. It requires huge amount of ...
Amazing app and service. They respond very quickly and was able to help me with all I asked for. We have used the app last 2 years full satisficed thankyou
Store Name
Stanwells Kids
Danke für dieses tolle Tool, sind gespannt auf die Erfahrungen, Grüße aus Ulm, Volker,
Good App, The application is easy to use and is very fast, I like the explanation video.
I feel happy about the possibilities of designs that can be done with the WhatsApp button
Brilliant customer service! Thanks :)
acabo de empezar a probarlo, tiene buena pinta. Cuando lleve unos dias, volveré para confirmar mi reseña