Reseñas (4.195)
Por calificación
Malisima app, ni bien la instalo me lleva al checkout para suscribirme y pagar automaticamente, no me deja configurar nada. Dice que es gratis pero lo primero que te llevan es a la pagina de cobro, ya intente varias veces cambiar y nada
no me ha dejado probar necesito mas tiempo para poder dar una calificación real, si me piden que la ponga ahora no es efectivo
The worst customer support. Owner gave the contact number but they never reply or take calls. I paid 9.99 $ twice but to no use. not even single cart is recovered.
Cobraron 1 Dolar y prometieron era un pago unico, un par de meses después vuelven a cobrar... muy des honesto :(
i very slowly to seting the app i use all night very very bad i very slowly to seting the app i use all night very very bad
It stopped working and asked for a payment.
BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS APPLICATION, it stopped working, asking for a subscription payment and also does not allow you to uninstall correctly, causing problems with the web and other applications.
Envejecio mal..
Pesimaaaaaaaa. Era muy buena, llevaba mucho tiempo usandola y ahora estan cobrando y no funciona hasta que no apruebe el "carro abandonado". Si no lo uso es por que no puedo por temas de privacidad, ahora me quede sin aplicacion por que obligan a pagar.
App is not even opening. I have tried multiple times now on different servers. It was working fine earlier but now it does not.
We had schedule maintenances planned yesterday but instead of 4am, we advised data centre to do at 4pm. Which is main reason sites are coming slow, as server is not fully up. It will be back to normal in few hours. Deeply regret the issue