Reseñas (4.195)
Por calificación
So far so good!!! Really simple and friendly to set up and it really looks good on PC and mobiles. Enjoying it!
Parece que funciona bien, pero creo que se podria mejorar mucho la configuracion pues es un poco liosa y desordenada
I was forced to give review before even trying the app. Hope it will be as useful as it looks like. Thankyou
Toll, dass die App gratis ist - aber die Oberfläche für die Einstellungen ist grottenschlecht, ebenso wie die Übersetzungen ins Deutsch. Bitte nachbessern, dann gibts auch 5 Sterne!
chevere, voy a probarla a ver como me va y si aumentan las ventas y me resulta util la califico mejor
They force us to make a review, so I will try it for more time and will make a new review later.....
esta bien solo se me hace mal que te cobren por cada carrito abandonado..................................
nice but have not tested yet. will test first and than i think can review it later. if you have any questions, you can email me
Very difficult UI to understand. THe navigation can be simpler. Too many variable to check. It can be certianly easy.
You dont need to check anything. just give your number and save. app will do best automatically. we give lots of options for advance users who want to customize everything