評價 (4,193)
الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل الافضل
Very Nice app , needs little tweaks here and there, but in over all it is working as it should be...
sasddasdasd sadsadsadasd sadsadasdsadas sa lsakdaslk dlskdlñsa dlskd slkdsñla kdlas kdñlsakd sal dksalñ kdasld kasñl dk aslñ kdaslñkd s asd ad
Still in the setup phase. Seem to be quite easy to setup. Still trying figure out some of its features.
Ainda n entendi como funciona mas aparenta ter muitos recursos , vou continuar testando e espero q me ajude
Je trouve l'application simple d'utilisation. J'aimerais toutefois avoir accès à de l'aide. Je veux retirer l'icone de la photo de profile et je ne trouve pas comment le faire...
Es una buena App lo mejor es que es gratuita !!! Espero que os ayude al igual que me a ayudado a mi.
waaaaaaaw amazing very helpful to chat with my client, Its amazing its very nice I like it so much really!!