
Add a chat widget and share via WhatsApp and more channels. Improve the support experience.
WhatsApp Chat and Share is the effortless and native way of communication for your visitors. Let people send you their questions and allow you to embed a well-used and popular messenger on your website and establish an easy communication tool for your clients. You will be able to stay in touch with your audience anytime and anywhere, answering from any device. Users will receive notifications about new messages right on the web page for uninterrupted chatting.
- Let your visitors communicate with your support via WhatsApp, Telegram, and more
- Get more sales by improving your customer chat service experiences
- Work with all themes. Even it works with any customized themes
- 特色
- 可直接在 Shopify 管理介面使用
- 可與最新佈景主題搭配使用
- Telegram
- Messenger
- Viber
- Skype
$25 for Trademark removal
- Unlimited operators
- Display trademark
$6.99 /月
Trademark removal
- Performace tracking
- Custom style support
7 天免費試用
所有費用均以 USD 計價。 定期費用和依使用量計費方案,均以 30 天為週期收費。
評論 (929)
Very easy and prompt. I will recommend this app for online store
Awesome app to implement a share and whatsapp buttoms :) thanks for everythin!
Good it was easy to integrate
Very bad description on how to install it on the page. Although I am a shopify developer, it took me over an hour to find that out. My advise: STOP focusing only sales that you can see in 1 window on 3 spaces, and create a easy to use (UX) for your customers. Then they will buy probably without pushing them like on a turkish bazar.
o chat parece ser funcional. mas ainda estou realizando testes para saber melhor. sucesso
應用程式支援由 RoarTheme 提供。