Wishlist by AppMixo
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Wishlist by AppMixo funktioner * Kunder kan lägga till/ta bort sina favoritprodukter i önskelistan och köpa dem när det passar dem * Butiksägaren kan anpassa önskelistans utseende så att det matchar butikens tema. * Visning av de senaste 30 dagarnas önskelista för butiksägaren * Express önskelista rapport för en besökare som inte har loggat in * Användarkontots önskelista för butiksbrukaren * Mest trendiga produkt i önskelistan med rapport * Dela önskelistan på sociala medier eller via...
Innehåller automatöversatt text
Premium plan
$3.99 /månad
$0.01/e-post för automatisk e-postpåminnelse skicka / första 200 e-post gratis per installation
- dela önskelista
- express besökar rapport
- inloggad kundrapport
- E-postpåminnelse
- anpassning av utseende
- önskelista historik diagram
- premium support
Prova gratis i 30 dagar
Innehåller automatöversatt text
Alla avgifter debiteras i USD. Återkommande och användningsbaserade avgifter faktureras var 30:e dag.
Recensioner (6)
Useful for those who want to recover visitors and turn into a customer! the automatic email comes first time with wishlist :)
Awesome app and it is really helpful, my customers can share their wishlist to any social media and also on email. Easy to use and fast.
we are still trying to improve. thanks for feedback !
The app is working good. Email sending functionality is great. they have made Wishlist abandonment like cart abandonment!
The app worked great for the trial easy install, I liked the icon and features. my customers like it. The price is great. but 30 days are over and it did not continue like it said it would, I found out a month later from a customer that it was not there anymore. I have tried for 3 days now to get costomer service, email, help on side bar and not one person getting back to me. When I click the inactive botton and changed to ativate it tells me "error", but will not tell me what the error is or how to correct it. Still no response and I messgaed 2 more times, and I just got charged for another month of nothing.
Support was great. I get repeated calls from them to ensure I fixed everything. Thumbs up! The APP CSS could be improved.
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8 november 2019