Wishlist Hero
Galleri med utvalda bilder
Grow Sales with a customizable Wishlist & Email reminders
Fast and responsive customer care. Automated install for popular Shopify themes (and help to install for other themes). Works on product, collection and quick views. Track products, customers and their activities. Use the wishlist as a guest user (no login required). GDPR compliant. Get Email reminders when a wishlist product either has a low stock or a price drop. Multi-Currency support, Impact conversion through Klavio onsite tracking, FB pixel, GA4 and TikTok Pixel. REST API & JavaScript API.
- One-click setup, seamless integration with your theme & ensured using free help
- Email reminders for wishlisted items when they have low stock or price drop .
- Multiple currencies & languages support, tracking by Klaviyo-GA4-FB-TikTok pixel
- Wishlist addition from anywhere (product, collection, quick views .. )
- Share wishlists either through email or through social media like Facebook.
Innehåller oöversatt text
- Höjdpunkter
- Populär bland företag i USA
- Använd direkt i Shopify-admin
- Fungerar med de senaste temana
engelska, franska, spanska, och tyska
Denna app finns inte översatt till svenska
Fungerar med
Boost Commerce, Quick View Secomapp, Searchanise - Globo, Klaviyo - Omnisend, Buddha - qikify, Mailchimp - SendgridKategorier
- Code-free setup
- Up to 500 wishlist items/mo
- Share Wishlist via Email & Social media
- Detailed Reports
- Multiple currencies/languages support
$4 /månad
- Everything in Free plan
- Up to 1,000 wishlist items/mo
- Custom brand
- Klaviyo, GA4,FB & TikTok pixel
- Low stock, On Sale email reminders
Prova gratis i 14 dagar
Gold Plus
$17 /månad
- Everything in Silver plan
- Up to 5,000 wishlist items/mo
- Custom ESP using Mailchimp, SendGrid, Klaviyo & OmniSend integration
Prova gratis i 14 dagar
$29 /månad
- Everything in Gold Plus plan
- Up to 10,000 wishlist items/mo
- More volume? Contact us
Prova gratis i 14 dagar
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Alla avgifter debiteras i USD. Återkommande och användningsbaserade avgifter faktureras var 30:e dag. Se alla prisalternativ
Recensioner (523)
We've used Wishlist Hero for many months now, and it's helped us a lot with people sending and sharing their wishlist through our store so they could get the same products at the same time. We've had many people returning after a couple hours to purchase whatever they have on their wishlist. Big thanks to Yomna! For helping us with minor inconveniences and attending our case with our trouble syncing apps, in the end all our apps work in synergy! We recommend Wishlist Hero!
Great service (wrote in to make some css changes) and by far the easiest wishlist set up for a shopify store with free plan. I searched a whole bunch before landing on Wishlist hero, mainly because of their automatic multi-currency function. Will continue to use and monitor!
I had to reach out to support a couple of times for help with placing the wishlist icon on the products and within my header tab. They responded very quickly and made the changes. The support here is just absolutely wonderful. Thank you!
Really great app!
Fair pricing and very fast and helpful support - thanks a lot!
Excellent App. Look good on our site and has really good backend analytical information.
Thank you so much for your generous words. Really appreciate the kind words that you have for Wishlist Hero and so happy to hear that you are enjoying the app. 😊
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26 december 2019