XB Bundles
- 요금제
- 하이라이트
- 최신 테마와 작동
- 평점
- 0.0 (0 리뷰)
- 개발자
- XB
추천 이미지 갤러리
XB Product Bundles lets merchants create product bundles and quantity-based discounts effortlessly.
XB Product Bundles helps merchants create special offers by bundling products or applying discounts based on purchase quantity. The Standard Bundle feature allows combining multiple products into a single offer. With Quantity Breaks, merchants can encourage larger purchases by setting discounts for different quantities. The app is simple to set up and customize, enhancing the shopping experience for both merchants and customers.
- Standard Bundle: Combine products into bundles with custom discounts.
- Quantity Breaks: Apply discounts based on purchase quantities for bulk buying.
- Easy Customization: Set up and manage bundles and discounts effortlessly.
- Analytics Dashboard: Track bundle performance and optimize your sales strategies
- 하이라이트
- 최신 테마와 작동
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다음과 호환:
평점의 0%가 별 5개입니다
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