Avaliações (139)
Por avaliação
Wirklich schlimm, wir hatten die App in der benutzung und jetzt wo wir ein Theme Update hatten, funktionierte nichts mehr. Also haben wir uns entschieden, die App ganz zu löschen. Pustekuchen, sie ist so extrem im Code, dass man alles neu machen könnte.
Thank you for your feedback though we're sorry to read about the experience you are having.
We understand there was some sort of a conflict after a theme update that led you to decide to remove our app, but code was left behind. Leftover code usually remains if the app is uninstalled without completing the two-step process, which requires first deactivation of the app to remove theme modifications and then deletion of the app. Or if another (usually SEO-related) app interfered with the removal process.
This can be easily fixed with a simple reinstallation and uninstallation process (besides the following suggested steps, our support team will soon reach out to you via email in order to solve this as soon as possible). If you haven't already, please reference our page with Yoast SEO app uninstall instructions: https://yoast.com/help/remove-yoast-code-from-theme-in-shopify/
Here are the next troubleshooting steps to take:
1. Re-install the Yoast SEO app on your site.
2. Instead of "Get a subscription," click on "Remove theme modifications.". Please wait until the process is finished.
3. Click on Go back to Apps and then Remove the app again.
Once you've done this, the Yoast SEO code should be completely removed from your theme files.
In case you have another SEO app installed, it would be best to remove that first before proceeding with the steps above, as other SEO apps may interfere with the proper uninstallation process of Yoast SEO.
As aforementioned, in any case, our support team will soon reach out and provide any further assistance you may need to resolve this.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback, obwohl es uns leid tut, von Ihren Erfahrungen zu lesen.
Uns ist bekannt, dass es nach einem Design-Update zu einem Konflikt gekommen ist, der dazu geführt hat, dass Sie sich entschieden haben, unsere App zu entfernen, aber Code zurückgelassen wurde. Restcode verbleibt normalerweise, wenn die App deinstalliert wird, ohne den zweistufigen Prozess abzuschließen, der zuerst die Deaktivierung der App erfordert, um Designänderungen zu entfernen, und dann die Löschung der App. Oder wenn eine andere (normalerweise SEO-bezogene) App den Entfernungsprozess stört.
Dies kann leicht durch einen einfachen Neuinstallations- und Deinstallationsprozess behoben werden (neben den folgenden vorgeschlagenen Schritten wird sich unser Support-Team in Kürze per E-Mail mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um das Problem so schnell wie möglich zu lösen). Wenn Sie es noch nicht getan haben, verweisen Sie bitte auf unsere Seite mit Anweisungen zur Deinstallation der Yoast SEO-App: https://yoast.com/help/remove-yoast-code-from-theme-in-shopify/
Hier sind die nächsten Schritte zur Fehlerbehebung:
1. Installieren Sie die Yoast SEO-App erneut auf Ihrer Website.
2. Klicken Sie statt auf „Abonnement anfordern“ auf „Theme-Änderungen entfernen“. Bitte warten Sie, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist.
3. Klicken Sie auf Zurück zu Apps und entfernen Sie die App erneut.
Sobald Sie dies getan haben, sollte der Yoast-SEO-Code vollständig aus Ihren Designdateien entfernt werden.
Falls Sie eine andere SEO-App installiert haben, ist es am besten, diese zuerst zu entfernen, bevor Sie mit den obigen Schritten fortfahren, da andere SEO-Apps den ordnungsgemäßen Deinstallationsprozess von Yoast SEO beeinträchtigen können.
Wie bereits erwähnt, wird sich unser Support-Team in jedem Fall bald mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen und Ihnen weitere Hilfe leisten, die Sie möglicherweise zur Lösung dieses Problems benötigen.
Since I'm new to SEO this process has been a huge learning curve..And I’ve learned so much by using Yoast!The app is easy to use and Customer support is fantastic.I highly recommend Yoast for anyone who has a Shopify store.A huge bonus that you can try “Yoasting” images for free!
Thank you so much for sharing your review!
We are delighted that you are learning about and implementing SEO on your store with our app. Keep up the great work! 💪 🙌
I’ve always pushed SEO to the back of my mind as a micro business, but since downloading Yoast it’s been extremely easy to implement SEO changes to my site. The online chat support has been great so far, Michael did a great job with my problem, thanks!
Thank you so much for your kind review!
We are delighted to know that you are happy with our app and support services.
If there is anything else we can help you with, feel free to contact us 🙂
Please do not completely judge Yoast by the reviews below. I feel they are a little misinformed as the issues mentioned could have been fixed by duplicating and downloading code etc. and Yoast does have an easy button to remove theme modifications in one click. I have used Yoast with Wordpress previously and am so happy there is now a Shopify integration! I have contacted the support team about six times during set up and they have been nothing but friendly, professional and have seriously gone out of their way to help me. I honestly feel the fee is worth the price with the free educational tools which are available and the fantastic support from the customer service team. I already feel my site has improved due to this app and it confirms the SEO changes I am making are effective. Finally, it’s important to realise nothing is perfect when starting out, but it’s how you deal with the problems that makes the difference. The Yoast team have already started fixing an initial bug that was mentioned and I feel the speed of getting it sorted is excellent. Thank you so much for all your help - and shout out to Jose and Michael who have helped me with numerous questions!
Thank you Helena for your review! We are pleased to hear that you are set and ready to go.
Feel free to reach out to our support team in case there is anything else we can help you with; we will gladly help you out!
Yoast SEO is a great app! It has really helped me to understand my site and how SEO works. The team are super friendly and very helpful. Yoast SEO is a 'must have' for any online store and we recommend it 100%.
Thanks Yoast,
Thank you for the kind review and for taking the time to share it!
Our priority is customer satisfaction and great support, so we are thrilled to know that we met that mark!
Should you need help in the future, please feel free to reach out!
Hello, I uninstalled the application in my store but I still have a lot of code, how can I remove the code? Thank you.
Gracias excelente soporte.
Hi there, thank you for your question. We have a dedicated support team that can be reached 24/7 at support@yoast.com (and via live chat). Please do reach out to us with any additional questions or concerns, we are happy to help.
That being said, leftover code usually remains if the app is uninstalled without completing the right process, which requires first deactivation of the app to remove theme modifications and then deletion of the app. Or if another (usually SEO-related) app interfered with the process.
If you haven't already, please reference our page with Yoast SEO app uninstall instructions: https://yoast.com/help/remove-yoast-code-from-theme-in-shopify/
Here are next troubleshooting steps to take:
1. Re-install the Yoast SEO app on your site.
2. Instead of "Get a subscription," click on "Remove theme modifications.". Please wait until the process is finished.
3. Click on Go back to Apps and then Remove the app again.
Once you've done this, the Yoast SEO code should be completely removed.
In case you have another SEO app installed, it would be best to remove that first before proceeding with the steps above, as other SEO apps may interfere with the proper uninstallation process of Yoast SEO.
If you face any difficulties with this process please reach out to us at: support@yoast.com. We are here to help.
yoast ist auf jedenfall empfehlenswert, die app unterstützt auf recht einfache und effiziente weise das SEO. wir sind derzeit im aufbau des shops und haben leider noch sehr wenig verkäufe, desshalb kommt für mich diese investition nicht - oder nocht nicht - in frage.
Thank you so much for your review!
We are happy to know that our app helped you with your SEO efforts in a simple and efficient way. Keep up the great work!
If there is anything we can help you with, feel free to contact us 🙂
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung!
Wir freuen uns zu wissen, dass unsere App Ihnen bei Ihren SEO-Bemühungen auf einfache und effiziente Weise geholfen hat. Mach weiter so!
Wenn wir dir bei irgendetwas helfen können, kannst du dich gerne an uns wenden 🙂
The support from Yoast is first class and the app gives meaningful feedback you can immediately action to improve SEO. I have attended a one-day conference with awesome speakers, some webinars and I find their blogs very readable and informative. As a complete beginner on SEO, the Yoast app has really made a difference and given me confidence. The red, amber and green bullets are brilliant, especially as they come with useful advice and links giving further detail. I tried a couple of other SEO apps available via Shopify first but neither was anywhere near as good as this one. Thank you!
Thank you for your review and kind feedback!
We are really happy to know that our app and support introduced you to the SEO world in an easy, helpful and meaningful way.
If there is anything else we can help you with, feel free to contact us!
Just started using the app and seems very comprehensive - early days for results yet - but time will tell.
Had a small issue with syncing some info and the Yoast team sorted it in minutes for me - very impressed by the customer service
Thank you for your kind words and review!
We are glad to know that you are satisfied with our app and the quality of our support services.
Should you need additional help in the future, please feel free to reach out; we'd be happy to help!
I used the free trial and it was very informative extremely helpful and set up in a user friendly way. I learned how to label things to be found in searchs more effectively. Definitely worth it. Will be subscribing soon.
Thank you for sharing your kind review!
We encourage you to continue optimizing your site, even when our app is not installed, to achieve the best possible SEO results.
Do reach out to us if you have any questions when you decide to subscribe again; we'd be happy to help 😊