ZOX Zipcode Check & Validate
Galerie propagovaných obrázků

Let visitors know if your serviceability is available in their area by entering zip/postal codes.
ZOX app helps customers validate postal or zip codes to check if delivery is available in their physical location. Postal code validator widget can be integrated with product pages & homepage. Manage a large number of area codes by hosting a CSV file or specifying ranges. The merchant can easily restrict website vistiors from placing orders from non-serving regions. The visitors can submit their contact info to get notified when the admin starts serving the non-serving areas.
- Manage postal codes in mass quantity by CSV file or ranges.
- Check product serviceability by country.
- Customers can confirm if the service is available to their local postal code.
- Collect contact details of visitors to notify them about area serviceability.
- Display estimated days & time for product delivery to serviceable areas.
- Důležité informace
- Použití přímo v prostředí administrátora Shopify
- Funguje s nejnovějšími motivy
Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština
- Upload limited zipcodes
- Show zipcode widget on limited products or collections
- Limited search credits
- Customization of zipcode widget
BASIC (Monthly)
$3.99 / měsíc
- Unlimited zipcodes & search credits
- Est. delivery
- Show working days
- Waitlist
- Custom zipcode widget
- Check delivery range-wise, country-wise
15denní zkušební verze zdarma
BASIC (Yearly)
$39.99 / rok
- Unlimited zipcodes & search credits
- Est. delivery
- Show working days
- Waitlist
- Custom zipcode widget
- Check delivery range-wise, country-wise
15denní zkušební verze zdarma
Všechny poplatky jsou fakturovány v měně USD. Opakované poplatky a poplatky založené na použití jsou fakturovány každých 30 dní.
Recenze (19)
Nice Team support , Fast Reply and resolve the facing issue in short time, thanks
Hello ITN Store Team,
We thank you for your feedback. We are glad to know that you are happy with our assistance and Shopify plugin.
Please contact us anytime. We will be happy to help you!
Thanks a lot!
I absolutely love this app! It was a crucial addition to my website, allowing customers to quickly check if we deliver to their area. The app works seamlessly and has made a huge difference in streamlining our delivery process. What makes it even better is the incredible support from the developer/team. They are always so helpful, responding quickly via both email and WhatsApp, no matter the time. Any questions or issues get resolved fast, and their service has been top-notch. Hands down the best experience with an app and its support team! Highly recommended.
Hello Ramona,
You made our day by appreciating our app & customer support. We loved your feedback. We are happy to come to know that our app is helping you streamline your delivery procedure.
Keep leveraging our app & grow with us. Have a look at other apps too. You would find them useful as well 😊.
And yes, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need any help. We're always here to help you out.
Have a nice day!
MageComp Shopify Team
Amazing experience and nice support team
Hi Mehboob,
Thanks a lot for your loving words for our support team. Please reach out to us anytime for help.
MageComp Shopify Team
Great experience while using this app, waiting to see more new features in coming days!
Hello Rahul,
We thank you for your review on ZOX app. As of now, the Shopify development team is working on adding new functionalities. Once everything is completed and tested, it will be available publicly.
Stay tuned & connected!
Kind regards,
MageComp Shopify Team
Good and easy to install and set up, the more important point is the support we receive from the developer of the app. they are easily accessible through whatsapp and email. Also ready to listen and make changes according to the users suggestions.
Hi Bob,
We're impressed by your kind words & compliments! We're super happy to have valued customers like you.
Please reach out to us anytime if needed. We would be more than happy to serve you!
MageComp Shopify Team
Podporu aplikace poskytuje MageComp.
Nebo navštivte jejich portál podporyZdroje
305, Eva Surbhi, Waghawadi Road,, Opp. Aksharwadi Temple, Bhavnagar, GJ, 364002, IN
14. prosinec 2023
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Majitel obchodu
Majitel obchodu
Jméno/název, e-mailová adresa, telefonní číslo, fyzická adresa
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