評價 (413)

  • 87% 的評分為 5 顆星
  • 4% 的評分為 4 顆星
  • 2% 的評分為 3 顆星
  • 3% 的評分為 2 顆星
  • 4% 的評分為 1 顆星

updated our review after OCU fixed its glitch, resolved the issue. Appreciate the work Ezra puts in to helping educate merchants and the info/demo call i just had with Brittany from Zipify. Bottom line is that no systems are 100% you have to stick with the ones with the best/swiftest support

Lizzy James
使用應用程式 5個月
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2024年9月16日

Dear Lizzy James,
Thank you so much for updating your review! 🙏 We're glad to hear that the glitch was resolved and that you're happy with the support you received. Ezra's dedication to educating merchants and Brittany’s help on the demo call really reflect the heart of what we aim to do—provide top-tier service and support. You’re absolutely right—no system is perfect, but we’re committed to being there swiftly when needed. Thanks again for your trust in Zipify, and we’re here whenever you need us! 🚀

Team Zipify


Really appreciate the help in the chat that they offer. They were attentive and solved my issue with an ongoing discussion. Thanks and hope to keep Upselling!

Patterns of Evidence
使用應用程式 大約2年
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2023年8月23日

Thank you for the review, Patterns of Evidence! We're happy to hear you had a positive experience with our wonderful Support Team. Keep on Upselling -- and if you need help with anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out.
-Team Zipify


I used zipify's OCU. Very easy to install and implement the upsells. I am having great results. Some of my funnels are getting 37% success rate. Highly recommended for all shopify store onwers.

使用應用程式 2年多
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2021年4月8日

Hey there elo! Thanks for the honest review. From the sounds of it everything is going great. A 37% conversion rate is amazing. Curious why this review was only 4 stars. Was there something missing that resulted in us missing the last star? Would love to know so we could try to rectify the situation. Either way, glad to hear things are working well. If you need anything just reach out!
-Team Zipify


Love this app as an add on with the Zipify Pages app! It's like Clickfunnels for Shopify - amazing! The only thing is I wish we were able to modify the checkout page like in the older Legacy version... Hopefully, they'll bring that back!

使用應用程式 1年多
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2021年7月26日

Hey ABC Performance! Thanks for the honest review! Unfortuantely the limitations you're seeing on the checkout page are enforced by Shopify to streamline the checkout process across all apps. If they ever open it up to give folks like you more flexibility, we'll definitely add it in! Good to have you onboard! If you need anything just reach out.
-Team Zipify


Its tough to wrap your head around but when you get it the app rules. only wish is they had chat to help customers. thank you!

The Good Tee
使用應用程式 1年多
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2022年5月20日

Hey Good Tee! Thanks for the review. We do have in app chat support. Just click on the blue chat icon in the lower right hand side of your screen. Please reach out if you need anything!
-Team Zipify


Customer service is excellent. Would like to see more options to customize colors, buttons. Would def recommend overall

使用應用程式 大約1年
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2022年6月17日

Hey TrumpTrendz thanks for the honest review! Glad to hear for the most part OCU is working for you. As Shopify allows for more options via their api we use, we'll roll out new features. Check back soon. If you need anything, please reach out!
-Team Zipify


This is a very good app. I like it a lot. It's helped increase our AOV and bring in extra revenue. It also really helps on those volatile days when CVR drops, the higher AOV makes you plow through those tough days and stay afloat. My only complaint is the fact that the UI and styling is very limited (or non-existent) and you can't customize the offer/page that much - this is very frustrating. If they can improve in this area the app would be excellent

使用應用程式 12個月
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2021年6月11日

Hello SeidoKnives, thank you for the review. Glad to hear that OCU is helping you on those tough days! As for the limited stylings that is a limitation of the Shopify API. We've included every styling that Shopify will let us use. We're working with them to try and open it up more, but they want a consistent experience across all checkouts...which is why there are some limitations. In the future we hope this improves, but for now we work with what they give us. Thanks for the honest review! If you need anything, just reach out!
-Team Zipify


Good app. Makes huge difference. Nothing to complaint expect the cart popups don't work but overall I recommend

使用應用程式 11個月
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2021年10月18日

Hey Pawion! Thanks for the honest review. Could you reach out to our support team so we can take a look at your specific installation and figure out why those cart popups aren't working for you? Looking forward to getting these working! Talk soon!
-Team Zipify


Je désinstalle, le problème persiste aucune réduction ne s'applique. service clients inexistant !!!

Suite au 13/03/23
Le problème est résolu ! merci pour votre intervention !

使用應用程式 11個月
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2023年3月3日

Ici Steve, responsable du service client chez Zipify.com. J'ai remarqué votre avis sur l'application ce matin et j'ai immédiatement examiné votre expérience avec notre support. Je suis extrêmement désolé que nous vous ayons laissé tomber. Vous êtes important pour nous - nous pouvons et allons résoudre le problème avec les remises à la caisse.

Les ventes incitatives interagissent avec de nombreux aspects de votre expérience de paiement. C'est pour cette raison que nous offrons un essai gratuit de 30 jours. Cela nous donne suffisamment de temps pour vous aider si vous rencontrez des problèmes. Nous sommes également plus qu'heureux de prolonger cet essai si plus de temps est nécessaire.

J'ai examiné le problème et il semble qu'il y ait eu un conflit avec la remise mise en place dans Shopify et la remise de pré-achat d'OCU. Avec l'application supprimée, je ne peux pas être sûr à 100%. Cependant, je suis convaincu que le problème était que Shopify Draft Orders ne peut gérer qu'une seule remise. Détails dans notre base de connaissances.

Je vous ai contacté personnellement et j'aimerais passer un coup de fil pour passer en revue l'application et expliquer comment cela fonctionne et fournir toute aide supplémentaire dont vous pourriez avoir besoin. J'espère que nous pourrons nous connecter ! OCU est vraiment une application 5 étoiles et j'aimerais vous montrer cela de première main.

Steve & Team Zipify

Steve here, Customer Service Manager with Zipify.com. I noticed your review of the app this morning and immediately looked into your experience with our support. I'm extremely sorry we let you down. You are important to us -- we can and will resolve the issue with discounts on checkout.

Upsells interact with many aspects of your checkout experience. It is for this reason we provide a 30 day free trial. This gives us ample time to assist you in the chance you run into any trouble. We are also more than happy to extend that trial if more time is needed.

I looked into the issue and it appears there was a conflict with the discount set up in Shopify and OCU's pre-purchase discount. With the app removed, I can't be 100% sure. However, I am confident the issue was that Shopify Draft Orders can only handle 1 discount. Details in our knowledge base.

I have reached out to you personally and would love to jump on a call to go over the app and explain how it works and provide any further assistance you may need. I hope we can connect! OCU truly is a 5 star app and I'd like to show you this first hand.

Steve & Team Zipify


awesome app , really useful to increase AOV. Only thing I didn't like the price of app double after $200 of upsell sale . If they can keep the base price until $500 of upsell sale , it would give better ROI for users with low volume. If you are high volume sale you ROI is quite good.

使用應用程式 7個月
Zipify Apps 已回覆 2022年1月7日

Hey Woodstone, thank you for the honest review. We appreciate it. We'll definitely take your feedback to the team to make sure our pricing is as spot on as possible. If you need anything reach out!
-Team Zipify