Pixc: Auto Alt Text

Pixc: Auto Alt Text

A partire da $7.99/mese. Prova gratuita disponibile.
Valutazione (5,0)

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Informazioni sull’app


14 aprile 2020



Questa app non è disponibile in Italiano

Automatically update your images’ alt text in just a few clicks to boost your search engine ranking.

Pixc: Auto Alt Text app is a simple, straightforward app that allows you to automatically add or update your product images’ Alt Text or Alt Tag. Adding alt text to your product images makes it easier for search engines to index and rank your store better. The problem is, doing this on all your product photos is too time-consuming. With the Alt Text Wizard app, you can easily configure your alt texts using ready-to-use variables and boost your search engine rankings in just a few clicks!

Pixc: Auto Alt Text app is a simple, straightforward app that allows you to automatically add or update your product images’ Alt Text or Alt Tag. Adding alt text to your product images makes it easier for search engines to index and rank your store better. The problem is, doing this on all your product photos is too time-consuming. With the Alt Text Wizard app, you can easily configure your alt texts using ready-to-use variables and boost your search engine rankings in just a few clicks! altro
  • Automatically add optimized alt text to your product images.
  • Analyze your store to provide a list of images that need alt text optimization.
  • Configure your alt texts using ready-to-use variables.
  • Get your product images ranked better on search engines.
  • Save hours manually inputting alt text for all your product photos.



$7.99 /mese

  • For new entrepreneurs who are on the Shopify Basic plan and want to get started ranking on search engines through image alt text.

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni


$14.99 /mese

  • For Shopify plan entrepreneurs who want to save time while getting better search engine rankings through image alt text.

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni


$29.99 /mese

  • For Shopify Advanced merchants who need to handle large volumes of images and rank higher on search engines through image alt text.

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni


$59.99 /mese

  • For Shopify Plus merchants who need to handle extra large volumes of images and rank higher on search engines through image alt text.

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni


$7.99 /mese

  • For new entrepreneurs who are on the Shopify Basic plan and want to get started ranking on search engines through image alt text.

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni


$14.99 /mese

  • For Shopify plan entrepreneurs who want to save time while getting better search engine rankings through image alt text.

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni


$29.99 /mese

  • For Shopify Advanced merchants who need to handle large volumes of images and rank higher on search engines through image alt text.

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni


$59.99 /mese

  • For Shopify Plus merchants who need to handle extra large volumes of images and rank higher on search engines through image alt text.

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni

Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD. Per gli addebiti ricorrenti e le spese basate sull’utilizzo ricevi una fattura ogni 30 giorni.

1 recensione

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  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
26 marzo 2021

For every picture only website The app "Auto Alt Text" has created a proper name for it so it can now be a searchable. I was taught that the internet can't see the picture. but it can read text on the picture. Yippie! Better Search results.

RJ's Trains
Stati Uniti
5 mesi di utilizzo dell’app
Pixc ha risposto 28 marzo 2021

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review! Glad our app could help. Feel free to reach out if we can help you with anything else. 😁

Informazioni sull’app


14 aprile 2020



Questa app non è disponibile in Italiano

Sviluppata da Pixc

Informazioni su Pixc

Valutazione media: 4,7

Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 9 anni

156 2nd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105, US


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Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.

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