レビュー (1,952)
Estou há menos de 1 mês utilizando a ferramenta e posso dizer que a experiência tem sido positiva. Recentemente tive um problema de configuração do formulário mais Dayse me surpreendeu bastante com seu suporte e resolveu tudo em menos de 1 hora. Atualização: Enfrento muitos problemas de atualização ainda. Não consigo utilizar a ferramenta da melhor maneira. Agora mesmo tento salvar a campanha e a ...
Thank you for your feedback. I immediately check your conversation with our chat support team and see the current issue is that you cannot load the campaign. It can be ...
Initially, this looks like a really good alternative to the more established providers like Klaviyo and Omnisend. With a lot of options and good logic for setting up flows. However, in my experience its full of bugs to the point where you dont trust the system at all. So you will find yourself constantly reaching out for support, and although support is fast and available - its mostly useless. ...
I tried to take it for a test spin before committing to a paid plan. Tried twice and both times it wouldn't send.
Customer service explained the issue, but it's just not a good fit for me and I feel like it needs some improvement.
Prakash and Juliana are great though and very pleasant to chat with.
Most everything I attempted to do during installation and configuration resulted in a Support intervention and subsequent escalation. In one instance, learned that my store was "magento" version so this Avada feature (inserting dynamic images in email template) won't work. Yet selecting the widget somehow remains a selectable option. Too many "delete cache & cookie" responses from support meaning ...
Support is quick but the app does not work. I get a Forbidden error and have to wait for the tech team to look at it