Avaliações (153)
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excelente, esta muy buena
Hallo! 3 Sterne hat die App auf jeden Fall verdient....
Für den 4. Stern müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass der Ton beim Einschalten gleichmäßig anwächst, damit er die Kunden auf keinen Fall erschreckt.
Für den fünften Stern müssen Sie die Sichtbarkeit des Spielers auf dem Monitor trennen, getrennt für Handy und PC. Viellen Dank!!!
Dann wird dies die beste App des Jahres!
I cant figure this out! I don't see where I am supposed to click in order to hear the music or even where to choose the music.
First of all, thank you for your interest in our app :)
Regarding your question,
After installing the app, you need to go to the app editor to upload your song and enable the ...
It does play the music but if you go to a different page it restarts to the very beginning. I wish there was a way to play through everything & not restart every time I click on something
I had time to check it out. so the music played which was super sweet, but the greeting message with the discount code didn't pop up after the 3 or then changed 1 second(s). Solid otherwise, 4 stars
No meu iphone 13 não toca a música. não sei o que pode ser, tentei de todas as formas fazer funcionar, em outros modelos de iphone funciona e em android tbm e no desktop tbm
When you select a product, the url of the website changes, so the music stops playing, then (if you have it on Autoplay) it starts playing again where it was going. The problem is that I don't like it being interrupted during the upload process.
Does not allow adding more than one song (playlist)
Positive points: Good customization, easy and simple to incorporate into your website, good audio ...