Galerij met uitgelichte afbeeldingen

Identificeer probleemklanten voordat je verzendt.
Bad Customer helpt je te voorkomen dat je goederen verzendt naar klanten die de gewoonte hebben om hun aankopen terug te boeken of buitensporige terugbetalingsverzoeken doen. Wij zeggen genoeg is genoeg. Bad Customer is niet zoals andere anti-fraude tools. De meeste anti-fraude tools gebruiken algoritmen om verdachte activiteiten te proberen opsporen. Wij denken dat de oplossing veel minder ingewikkeld is; wij identificeren de "slechte klanten" door te kijken naar hun terugboekingsgeschiedenis bij andere sites.
- Identificeert klanten die terugboekingen hebben gedaan op andere sites.
- Markeer bestellingen naar postbussen of wanneer facturering/verzending in verschillende staten zijn.
- Markeer bestellingen van klanten die meerdere accounts aanmaken.
Bevat automatisch vertaalde tekst
Deze app is niet vertaald in het Nederlands
Recensies (12)
Seems to be working great. It would be nice if I could define custom attribute & value for blocklist or at least we had a phone number block list alongside email blocklist.
I would like to block customer by email as well as phone number.
Would be a great app if you could search emails or addresses after you input them. Our list is long and it's a pain to have to look through the whole thing to find one customer to see why they are blocked. Please add a search feature!
Thanks for adding the feature so fast!
This is a great suggestion and has now been added to the app. Take a look and let us know what you think. Thank you!
Exactly what I needed: I add a customer's email or address in the black list and I get notified by email when the customer makes an order! Great!
Remove a note from a customer's order for no reason. Idk if it was a glitch but because the app auto removed the customer's note even though they were not flagged and we ended up missing the note asking us to hold their order and ended up getting a chargeback from the customer cause we sell perishable products and the customer was not able to be there to receive their order and blamed us for not seeing their note which was removed by Bad Customer so we are now having to deal with a chargeback and probably are going to lose money on that order.... Been using it for months and haven't seen any value in it as the app also auto tags all the trigger tags even if only 1 trigger is activated which is not helpful... Its yet to identify a bad customer and prevent a person who is clearly a serial chargeback fraudster...
Definitely a clever approach to fraud detection. Great app! Our Shopify store syncs with our warehouse automatically, so even if we did notice something that seemed suspicious, the warehouse had usually already packed and shipped it. We were able to configure our 3PL to ignore orders with the bc_warning tag so they didn't automatically ship and can just remove the tag if we want to take the risk and ship it anyway.
App-ondersteuning aangeboden door Outlander.
19 maart 2021
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