評論 (86)
I'd give 4.5 stars if I could. It does what I need it to do and when I've run into issues setting things up, help has been responsive and thorough. But I wish it would still open automatically in a new tab like it used to (and like my other apps do).
This application was very useful before the last update. Before the update, the list of products was in order of creation; since this update, the products are in alphabetical order. That a big issue for our business.
Otherwise, it's great!
作成したラベルはPDFでダウンロードしてbrother QL-800でプリントが可能。 ただし、設定できる項目はあまり多くないので項目を多く入れたい場合は、Printout Designerなどが良いかもしれません。 枚数制限がないところも助かります。
bien, la palaicación es muy fácil de usa pero es complicado lograr un emparejamiento inicial para empezar a usarla
perfect. love it helps soo much. .sajhfljksahfljsahfljhsalkjfdsjklhflkjdshfljhdsljfhsdljfhdsjhfjdfiguh