리뷰 (58)
상세 검색
Channel.io has been our most faithful business partner that helped save our time and effort in making it much easier to manage countless customer inquiries Les Plages get daily. It also provide specific marketing recipes tailored for successfully catering to the individual needs of small business owners like myself to be able to take full-on leverage. Not only that, Channel.io's super user-friendly, clean platform interface made us feel comfortable to engage with the tool dailly hassle-free packed with powerful data analystics helping us to grow towards the right path. Highly recommended to all small-business enterprenuers out there.
Thank you once again! We're excited to see the progress of Les Plages!
Still learning about this tool but so far Channal.io is pretty amazing! I've only been using this service for a while, but I'm seeing better results than I expected, and I think I can get even better results in the future. Especially the individual training was very helpful in the initial setting.
Thank you for the continued support! If you need any help moving forward, please let us know!
大きくは導入後すぐに簡単なお問い合わせがシナリオ形式で自動化出来たことがメリットとして挙げられます。その他にもインスタグラムやメールからの問い合わせ一元化も可能になりました。担当者への割り振りはもちろん、サイト内でのお客様へのお声かけや、一斉配信など細かな対応や施策にも応用出来ます。 他のアプリも検討しましたが、チャネルトークはUIがとても親しみやすく、お客様もスタッフも直感的に楽しんで使えるところが気に入っています。チャット形式なので絵文字なども自然と使いやすく、お客様との距離もより近くに感じられます。 ブランドイメージに合わせてデザインできるのも嬉しいポイントです。
よくあるお問い合わせが自動化出来た分、お客様の満足度も上がり、事細かな質問にも余裕を持って対応することができていますので売上にも直結しております。 日本でのサポートも充実しており、いつも丁寧に対応していただいているので大変助かっております。
This is my second time around using this app. The first time I initially installed this app I was quite overwhelmed and clueless and to how to navigate and integrate this app on my Shopify store. Most of the instructions weren't in English, there was no tutorial and I didn't have the time to go through and understand how it worked. I needed a customer service/chatbot that just worked. One the second time around I installed this app and immediately Robyn from Channel.io reach out to me and guide me in the setting up, and getting my team more acquainted with channel.io. Now I have to say I love and enjoy this product and I highly recommend this app. It is beyond awesome.
Thanks a lot for the 5 stars! We will let Robyn know that she did an amazing job :) We are actually trying to make more videos in English on youtube. We understand that user guides are crucial for most businesses, and that is why we are working hard to make it as soon as possible. Hopefully, once contents are added, we will be able to understand more on our features on marketing too ❤️
The most amazing experience! I had setup my channel.io account with all tutorials I was provided with and had no issues as it was super simple. One of the advisors reached out to me and wanted to schedule a meeting to help understand my use for channel.io and my business model, this was an amazing experience and I received so much insight as to what features I have at my disposal and how much more I actually had then I initially thought!
If you need any chatbot platform, this is definitely the way to go!
Thank you so much for your review. We look forward to working with you to help you build a successful business!
This app is a must- have companion to my business. Channel.io’s automated chat bot system, I could finally sleep at night. That made things much easier for me as I could get some proper rest. Even if it’s an automated message, the experience is different from getting no response. Customers actually waited for a response from me without complaints. Because of the immediate responses some customers didn’t even know I was living overseas.
Thank you so much! Our team is routing for Casabello's continued growth!
Channel.io allows us to provide a VIP level of service that our demanding customers expect. Our customers do not have a lot of extra time in their day. Channel.io helps us find solutions to their problems faster. Which is good for the customer and great for our conversion rate.
It's great to hear that Channel.io has helped you provide the high-level of service that your customers expect. We're glad that you're able to provide VIP service with the help of our platform.
Very helpful for the business. The live chat bot helps interacting with the customer real-time and it gives the business a boost.
Thank you much for the review! If you'd like to find out more about our platform in detail, please let us know!