Vorgestellte Bildergalerie

Passen Sie Ihre Checkout-, Danke- und Bestellstatusseiten an
Wir bieten No-Code-Tools, um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihre Checkout-, Danke- und Bestellstatusseiten anzupassen. Vollständig kompatibel mit Shopify Markets, mehrsprachig und mehrwährungsfähig.
- Passen Sie die Bestellstatus- und Danke-Seite mit Inhaltsblöcken an (Alle Pläne)
- Benutzerdefinierter Checkout mit Inhaltsblöcken, benutzerdefinierten Feldern und mehr (Shopify Plus)
- Erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Bestell- und Versandrabatte (Shopify Plus)
- Überprüfen Sie die Anforderungen an das Adressformat (Shopify Plus)
- Verstecken, umbenennen und neu anordnen von Liefer- und Zahlungsmethoden (Shopify Plus)
Enthält automatisch übersetzten Text
- Highlights
- Beliebt bei Unternehmen in den USA
- Direkter Zugriff im Shopify-Adminbereich
- Kompatibel mit den neuesten Themes
Für diese App ist keine Übersetzung auf Deutsch vorhanden.
Kompatibel mit
Rezensionen (67)
The blocks do not remain in the placement where you set them. They seem to jump around to different locations, depending on log-in status, for example.
With the basic plan, you're only able to add blocks to the thank you and order status pages, which feels pretty limited.
This app has a lot of potential to improve the checkout experience, but it seems like it's only available to businesses that are already successful.
So sad, I will stick to the legacy.
Thank you for your review. At this time, editing within checkout requires Shopify Plus. However, you can continue to use the Checkout Blocks app on the Thank you and Order Status pages across all Shopify plans.
To learn more about what’s available for your Shopify plan, you can read this guide: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/customize-checkout-configurations
I need to have the Plus plan and pay over 2 300 $ per month to be able to edit the check out page. The place for up sales. Most people skip the cart, where we can ad stuff. Why is it only free to edit thank you page and order status page? As a very small company it's so important with every cent saved and added in up sales. Please make it possible to edit check out even as a small shop owner. I already pay for so many apps for features that should be basic in Shopify.
Thank you for your review. At this time, editing within checkout requires Shopify Plus. However, you can continue to use the Checkout Blocks app on the Thank you and Order Status pages across all Shopify plans.
To learn more about what’s available for your Shopify plan, you can read this guide: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/customize-checkout-configurations
With the basic plan you can only add blocks to the thank you and order status page = basically useless
Why are you making life so damn hard for small businesses?
This would be such a cool and important app to improve the conversation in the checkout, but you only make it available for the shops that have already "made it"
I'm sure there is a better freemium setup that you could have choosen. Even a small fee would be fine.
Thank you for your review. At this time, editing within checkout requires Shopify Plus. However, you can continue to use the Checkout Blocks app on the Thank you and Order Status pages across all Shopify plans.
To learn more about what’s available for your Shopify plan, you can read this guide: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/customize-checkout-configurations
Great to be able to customize the Thank you page with these content blocks that can even handle links back to specific pages on my site for customer support. Just what I needed. Thanks!
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Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer, Physische Adresse
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Kunden, Produkte, Bestellungen, Rabatte, Unternehmen und Unternehmensstandorte, Shopify Functions, Onlineshop, Shopify-Adminbereich
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Bestellungen bearbeiten
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Rabatte anzeigen und synchronisieren
Rabattcodes und Werbeaktionen
Unternehmen und Unternehmensstandorte bearbeiten
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Gebietsschemata, Shopify Markets-Einstellungen, Checkout Branding-Einstellungen, or Übersetzungen
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