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Valutazione (5,0)

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Informazioni sull’app


17 maggio 2022

Companies need loyal customers. We enable marketers to draw on comprehensive customer data in real-time and activate it for consistent cross-channel messaging. Take each and every customer’s unique needs and expectations into account and enrich these insights automatically with predictive analytics, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence. Developed with marketers in mind, our software gives you the means to seamlessly orchestrate audiences, engage with the right customers, and build...

Companies need loyal customers. We enable marketers to draw on comprehensive customer data in real-time and activate it for consistent cross-channel messaging. Take each and every customer’s unique needs and expectations into account and enrich these insights automatically with predictive analytics, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence. Developed with marketers in mind, our software gives you the means to seamlessly orchestrate audiences, engage with the right customers, and build... altro




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1 recensione

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  • Il 100% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
27 maggio 2022

Die CrossEngage-App hat uns geholfen, unser Business auf das nächste Level zu skalieren. CrossEngage hilft uns dabei, unsere Bestandskunden besser zu managen und automatisierte Abläufe zu erstellen. Wir konnten super leicht starten und haben schon einige Use-Cases umgesetzt und falls man Hilfe braucht, ist das CrossEngage-Team nur einen Anruf/Mail entfernt. Mein größtes Highlight sind allerdings die Predictions, mit CrossEngage können wir ohne eine Data Science Abteilung tolle Segmente bauen und unser Marketing dadurch deutlich profitabler machen. Tolle App!!! Nur zu empfehlen!!!

Cleanbrace Deutschland
5 giorni di utilizzo dell’app

Informazioni sull’app


17 maggio 2022

Sviluppata da CrossEngage GmbH

Informazioni su CrossEngage GmbH

Valutazione media: 5,0

Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 2 anni

Berlin, Berlin, 13353, DE


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