

Prezzo: gratis
1,0 (1)
OÜ Crowdin

Reach more potential customers with Crowdin. Use Crowdin app to translate your store content.

No need to upload translated files manually to Shopify. Automate updates of source content and translations to save your time with Crowdin. Send content in your primary language to your localization project in Crowdin right from Shopify in a click. Download completed translations without leaving your Shopify store right from the Crowdin app. Synced translations become instantly available for the published languages in your store.

No need to upload translated files manually to Shopify. Automate updates of source content and translations to save your time with Crowdin. Send content in your primary language to your localization project in Crowdin right from Shopify in a click. Download completed translations without leaving your Shopify store right from the Crowdin app. Synced translations become instantly available for the published languages in your store. altro
  • Ensure translation quality with QA checks
  • Add a glossary to ensure that terms are translated correctly
  • Translate into any language, dialect, or even custom languages
  • Support for RTL languages
  • 24/7 customer support



Questa app non è disponibile in Italiano

Funziona con

Mailchimp, Google Drive, Marketo, GitHub, GitLab, Intercom

Recensioni (1)

Valutazione complessiva
Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 100% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
7 febbraio 2024

متجر كومسابيانس
Arabia Saudita


OÜ Crowdin può rispondere a qualsiasi domanda riguardo Crowdin.


OÜ Crowdin

Mustamäe tee 44/1, Kristiine linnaosa, Harju maakond, Tallinn, 10621, EE


Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.


16 novembre 2021

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