Infinite Product Options
レビュー (3,930)
Infinite options utterly destroyed the UK Games Expo for us. The UK, US and Australian currencies worked fine. Anything selected using Infinite Options in Euro currency instantly became worth thousands of Euros for a ten dollar item. Spent hours going through the issue with Shopify support, only to be told by Shopify that it is a bug in Infinite Options. Contacted Infinite Options support days ...
I used the app to try buy 3 item for x price but when you connect dropdown options to product ,at the checkout it charges your 3 item from dropdown list + actual 3 product's price.It means choose 3 item for£50 then at the checkout £50 plus your 3 items shows individually to customer total £100.Spoke to customer service they couldnt fix issue.They said dont connect products to dropdown text so if ...
Absolutely garbage. Everyday there is something wrong. One day the price’s dont change, one day the text in the box aren’t centered, and today all the options disappeared.
It’s affecting our business. Moving on to a different app.
I have no idea what this app did besides charge me $20 and instruct me to watch a bunch of videos. Probably not worth your time or money.
Our Expert Install Service is offered as a service for those that don't wish to touch code and would like the app installed. Once we are done installing you just just get ...
Doesn't work out of the box. Prices don't update when an option is selected. If you want to use an option with a price, you have to connect to an item and you can only use that item's price (no custom price / discount for it being an add-on). Even then, the price doesn't actually change - on the listing, the cart, or anywhere else once you've done so. You also can't hide the "option" item by ...
It great for adding options but collecting that data in a report requires an additional app making this app dumb.
App has crashed and needs to be fixed ASAP. Please communicate timeline for fix so that we can work with our customers
After Shoppad people have installed Infinite Options in my main Theme instead of a backup, I have tested it and wasn't satisfied with the possibilities, I have requested via emails to all email address ever sent to me several times to delete all inserted codes. There were zero replies and the code is still in my Theme.
Very disappointed in the way that works with them. Money rules?
Be aware of ...
I tried to use this app to add product options to my page. this app wouldn't load into my site because of their own issues. By the time they fixed it my free trial time was ticking away. When I was able to load it, they wouldn't restart my trial time to the date the app was actually usable. The app was difficult to navigate and I was unable to achieve the goal I wanted. They do not offer phone ...
Useless, its just a text filler this "infinite" thing, no live preview of color selection, or price selection on product page or anything for that matter. ITS JUST TEXT FILLER BOXES APP. Doesn't solve the lame 100 variant top of shopify, for ridiculous this is, it promises something it can´t deliver.