Webgility QB Desktop Sync
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Real-time automatisering synkroniserer ordrer, udbetalinger, lager, dropshipping og mere til QuickBooks Desktop
Webgility er en e-handels regnskabs-, lager-, købsordre- og dropshipping automatiseringsløsning til QuickBooks Desktop. Hurtigt forbind din Shopify butik, online markedspladser og over 50 andre erhvervsapps til QuickBooks. Derefter, tænd for automatisering, og send ordrer, lager, skatter, gebyrer og forsendelsesdata til QuickBooks automatisk og i realtid. Overfør produktlister og opdater priser mellem butikker, eliminer manuelle regnskabsfejl og adopter nye salgskanaler nemt.
- Detaljeret regnskabssynkronisering posterer transaktionsbegivenheder som individuelle linjeposter.
- Shopify afstemning matcher bankindskud og udbetalinger hurtigt og præcist.
- Regnskabsautomatisering eliminerer fejl fra manuel bogføring.
- Multikanal lagersynkronisering opdaterer alle produktlister med hvert salg.
- Automatisering genererer købsordrer og forsendelsesetiketter automatisk.
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
QuickBooks, Amazon, eBay, walmart, WooCommerce, MagentoKategorier
$139 om måneden
- 1000 ordrer per måned
- 2 Salgskanaler
- Automatiser E-handels Regnskab
- Support
15-dages gratis prøveperiode
$249 om måneden
- Automatiser Komplekse Varer og Flere Lagerhuse
- Automatiser Lager og Prissætning
- Automatiser QB Varehåndtering
- Automatiser Online Produktlister
15-dages gratis prøveperiode
$499 om måneden
- Alle Avancerede Plus
- Avanceret Lager- og Prisstyring
- Automatiser Fulfilment og Køb
- Automatiser Kundestyring
- Cloud Backup
15-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (342)
I have been very pleased with both Kshitij & Faizan who have been the implementation team at Webgility (WG) helping us out. We have had WG for years but never really understood the capability with it. We just learned about the power of WG & they have been wonderful getting us up to speed and always willing to get on the phone and answer our questions. Sometimes there are tech glitches but they do always stand by and work with us to get us a solution. I am not an accountant (I'm just on the calls to learn) & I am learning so much from WG guys and their team. It will be a great timesaver for us when we are fully optimized. Customer service is 5 star. Tech can scare many esp when it comes to $$$ but when you have a good tech team to support you, it helps so much!
We have been using Webgility's services and we are thoroughly impressed by their efficiency and professionalism. The team at Webgility handles our needs quickly and effectively, ensuring that all our technical issues were met with precision. Not only was their service prompt, but it was also surprisingly affordable, making it a great value for the quality provided. We would highly recommend Webgility to any company seeking reliable and cost-effective solutions for their business needs. - Nashlift
I would recommend this app to any business that requires syncing their online store with Quickbooks Desktop! Orders are automatically posted to quickbooks from our Shopify web site and inventory is synced. No more redundancy and all data entry is automated. Saving time to get out on the Lake and Fish!
Dan Norman
Bassaholics, Inc.
I searched the internet for something that would work with my on-premise Quickbook and Shopify for a few years and have tried many apps to find out that they didn't do the complete automation I needed for my organization.
Yes, it was very disheartening, but I decided to re-key in my search features and I've found Webgility and went through a demo and it did what I've been needing an application to do for a few years now.
I'm not located in North America, so a lot of the previous applications needed for me to be within the US, even though I was told by the salesperson, that shouldn't be an issue.
I'm grateful for Prerit and my great onboarding and ongoing support by the team at Webgility.
Thank you again.
Webgility has to be the best user friendly optimization process used on my Shopify store. I highly recommend the product.
Needless to say the staff at Webgility is awesome to work with, friendly and available to help at all hours of the day. They are absolutely amazing to work with.
Very Highly recommend!
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30. maj 2013