EMPIST Metafields Manager

EMPIST Metafields Manager

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  • Si usa dal pannello di controllo Shopify

Informazioni sull’app


20 ottobre 2020



Manage Shopify metafields and custom fields. The application offers metafields management for shop, products, collections, pages and articles. Customfields are metafields that are available for all your products, pages etc. When a customfield is defined for products (or any other entity), then a placeholder form for the metafield will be displayed for all products(empty or prefilled depending on the existing metafields), in order to standardize the metafields naming for the products, pages...

Manage Shopify metafields and custom fields. The application offers metafields management for shop, products, collections, pages and articles. Customfields are metafields that are available for all your products, pages etc. When a customfield is defined for products (or any other entity), then a placeholder form for the metafield will be displayed for all products(empty or prefilled depending on the existing metafields), in order to standardize the metafields naming for the products, pages... altro

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  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
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Informazioni sull’app


20 ottobre 2020



Sviluppata da EMPIST Agency (Formerly Lumia)

Informazioni su EMPIST Agency (Formerly Lumia)

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Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 3 anni

55 W Monroe St, Suite 400, Chicago, IL, 60603, US


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