Recensioni (3.196)

Valutazione complessiva
Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 61% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 28% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 7% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 2% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 3% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
23 febbraio 2019

Aún no lo se del todo, la estoy empezando a utiizar y espero que vaya bien. Si decir que rellenar este folmulario no resulta nada cómodo
2 mesi di utilizzo dell’app
5 novembre 2020

Helpcenter in the App is not working and the Cookie Bar shows in Switzerland also, that isn't part of the EU. I found that out after 2 months and never wanted my swiss customers to see that, because i know it has impact on the conversion, even if its low. But because of the missinformation i didn't knew it.

2 mesi di utilizzo dell’app
8 marzo 2018

Problem loading the app ....................

Abc Chiens Et Chats
Circa un mese di utilizzo dell’app
12 maggio 2019

ich bin neu hier,ich starte neu mein online shop.
ich kann noch keine bewertung abgeben.
vielen dank

Circa un mese di utilizzo dell’app
10 ottobre 2018

A fantastic app when it worked. Yesterday, as others reported, the app crashed our store that is running on the Debut theme. We had to uninstall it. As Booster is understandably unable to give support to the freemium users, I wish you read these and report somewhere if it is safe to re-install – we'd love to use it again. Many thanks!

29 giorni di utilizzo dell’app
Data modifica: 23 dicembre 2018

This application helps visitors to my site . We just ask if you would consider leaving a review if you like the app :)

22 giorni di utilizzo dell’app
29 luglio 2018

just installed it, but can't get it to work.

Stati Uniti
20 giorni di utilizzo dell’app
Data modifica: 11 settembre 2019

With time was find that working not correctly .. sometimes it show up but sometimes is losts.. better reccomend look at other app .. whitch also added pages to allow customets requesting download data.. the thirt app whitch working or not working from that developers .. dont recommend..

14 giorni di utilizzo dell’app
23 maggio 2019

yea me han obligado ah escribir esto para que no salgan anuncios jeje pero bueno tampoco son muchas palabras asi que ya.

Shein Vip
12 giorni di utilizzo dell’app
Data modifica: 16 febbraio 2019

Perfect page to use cookies on your page, do not hesitate to download it is impressive the variety of subject that has

9 giorni di utilizzo dell’app