Flexify: Facebook Product Feed

Flexify: Facebook Product Feed

Recensioni (289)

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Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 71% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 7% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 2% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 3% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 16% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
4 luglio 2017

Good system to start with, I am still playing around. This is my first time using facebook program! it is not too difficult for a beginner, editing my review later when i find out more

The Shark Watch Co
1 giorno di utilizzo dell’app
30 agosto 2019

I was having a lot of trouble getting my Shopify product feed over to Facebook Marketplace, even after installing this app since they have a known bug that keeps the inventory at 0, however, they implemented a fix that worked right away and now my products are available for FB checkout. The customer service was very responsive (within a few hours) and helped me resolve my issue. Assuming all stays working, I'm super satisfied with this app!

Stati Uniti
1 giorno di utilizzo dell’app
3 luglio 2018

product repeat a lot, and when i sync my product to facebook, it said the google_product_category is empty, can you fix that problem?

Circa 21 ore di utilizzo dell’app
Data modifica: 13 agosto 2019

I used this app to create a shopify data feed to my facebook shop. The app is really very striaghtforward. Facebook always isn't, but I was given the utmost in customer service from the Flexify team. Facebook (and Shopify for that matter) should be paying them!

You can check out my store at francesblueboutique.com and click on the FB icon at the footer and then click shop tab so you can see what this app will for you.

Frances Blue Boutique
Stati Uniti
Circa 15 ore di utilizzo dell’app
6 febbraio 2018

Liquid error: Memory limits exceeded ?

How to work it out?

RAS di Hong Kong
Circa un'ora di utilizzo dell’app
15 maggio 2017

This app worked perfect for my facebook page. So easy to install. Thanks from the team @ https://fridaydapper.com/

30 minuti di utilizzo dell’app
3 giugno 2018

Not working request time out and they asking to pay to split the pages to remove the request time out issue.

Stati Uniti
18 minuti di utilizzo dell’app
Data modifica: 8 gennaio 2020

I already had a connection with my Facebook store, but I wanted to improve it. By installing this application, my Facebook store was completely destroyed.

7 minuti di utilizzo dell’app
Flexify AG ha risposto 8 gennaio 2020

Hi Altmazon,

This is Daniel from Flexify. Sorry to hear you are having trouble.
Please do not hesitate to reach out for help @daniel.heier@flexify.net

18 aprile 2018

Didn't ever actually worked. Sync with facebook failed due to timeout several times.

5 minuti di utilizzo dell’app