レビュー (9,275)
muchas gracias, la app es muuy buena, pero siento que puede ser bastante compleja para un perfil iniciante
Fairly easy to set up but i had problems linking my new account to an exisiting email address and deleting an old email address. It wasn't clear what i needed to do so I will set up a completely new account instead of trying to figure out how to do it. Otherwise it is easy to use and navigate.
Hi dear Mr my name is sudais Khan please grow my account show this account costumers for traffic and sell products I sell home decor, health and beauty, electronics, outdoor and leisure, fitness etc
I think this a great service and it's helpful it's all linked together in one place... making it easy for someone like me, who doesn't have much experience and not very tech savvy.
I would like more IG specific - direct IG tools. IG will be my marketing tool and where my ads and visiblity will be. Always having to go through and deal with FB first, in my case was unecessary.
love it
Muito Bom!
Not great tbh, was really hard to navigate and connect the sites together had a really had and frustrating time doing this tbh
consiglio questa applicazione perche interagisce perfettamente con il mio negozio di Shopify
muito bom e útil para anúncios
me encanta como se interactua y las funciones y herramientas que tienen...