Giropay Checkout

Giropay Checkout

Installazione gratuita. Possono essere applicati costi aggiuntivi.
Valutazione (0,0)

Informazioni sull’app


12 maggio 2022

Giropay is a German payment method based on online banking. It allows customers to complete transactions online using their online banking environment, with funds debited from their bank account. Depending on their bank, customers confirm payments on giropay using a second factor of authentication or a PIN. Giropay redirects customers to their website to authenticate a payment and there is immediate notification about the success or failure of a payment. # FACTS 1. Store Default Currency...

Giropay is a German payment method based on online banking. It allows customers to complete transactions online using their online banking environment, with funds debited from their bank account. Depending on their bank, customers confirm payments on giropay using a second factor of authentication or a PIN. Giropay redirects customers to their website to authenticate a payment and there is immediate notification about the success or failure of a payment. # FACTS 1. Store Default Currency... altro


Installazione gratuita

Minimum annual fee and volume-based usage fees will be applied.

Installazione gratuita

Minimum annual fee and volume-based usage fees will be applied.

Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD.

Nessuna recensione

Valutazione complessiva
Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
Ancora nessuna recensione

Informazioni sull’app


12 maggio 2022

Sviluppata da Nabeyond Ltd

Informazioni su Nabeyond Ltd

Ancora nessuna recensione

Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 2 anni

20-22, Wenlock Road, London, ENG, N1 7GU, GB


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