Recensioni (1.877)
In base alla valutazione
Was hit with multiple spam affiliate accts. Now I don't trust this app at all. These people should be ashamed of themselves.
Please see if you had the marketplace option activated in the app (see marketplace option in the app sidebar). If you had activated it during the setup process, your program is listed on various affiliate marketplaces across the web, from where the affiliates can discover and join the program
Most likely you have received affiliate sign-ups from those directories
In any case, simply turning off the marketplace option delists the program and you can run your affiliate program privately
To note: Marketplace listing is an opt-in feature provided as a convenience to the merchants to quickly list their programs for traction.
Hope this clears away any confusion
Thank you
P.S. Don't blame our service for this. The app did exactly how it was set :)
No support what so ever. Plainly sad. Emailed them bunch of times and never got an agent to email back.
07/11/20 - Thank you for attempting to fix the issue. However, GoAffPro is now no longer communicating with Klaviyo at all - nothing. How do we resolve this? Quickly?
We have emailed the address you provided with no response - our email was sent to you on 07/10/20 @ 3PM EST.
To resolve please email directly so we can move forward.
We had such high hopes for this app but have become quite disappointed.
Review after review speaks of how good customer service is and after repeated attempts to get help there has been NO response.
The issue we are having is this - GoAFFPro is not playing nice with Klaviyo. Plainly speaking the integration does not work properly and bits of information are lost in the transfer. This is Particularly true with respect to telephone numbers.
If we could get some assistance on this we would certainly consider updating this review but at the moment we are terribly dissatisfied.
CTO of Goaffpro here, I am not sure, but I was unable to find any ticket number from your store ID. If you can send me the ticket ID at, I will be able to look at it thoroughly.
I did take a look at the phone number sync issue on your account and it should be fixed now. Klaviyo permits email and phone_number as standard sync items and you should be able to see the phone number information in your klaviyo profiles. Rest of the profile information would be in the extra information tags.
Hoping to hear from you at, so I can resolve this issue personally
Thanks and Regards
It couldn’t be worse.
It's been a week since I paid a fee of $24 a month, but no one joins the alliance. For other applications, 20 people joined immediately. I asked the developer about this, but he only answered me recklessly, and it seems that the market was not activated in the first place. Never download it.
J'ai installé ce matin cette application. J'étais très heureuse de demander à mes clients de s'inscrire. Ce soir , je lis que vous m'avez bloqué ou bani. Je me comprends pas. Quelle est cette manière de travailler avec les gens? Dois-je désactiver? Informer mes ambassadeurs que ce n'est plus bon?
Merci de me répondre
I installed this application this morning. I was very happy to ask my clients to register. Tonight I read that you blocked or banished me. I don't understand myself. What is this way of working with people? Should I deactivate? Inform my ambassadors that this is no longer good?
Thank you for answering me
I am sure there is a confusion. We do not ban merchants from the platform. In fact there is no such functionality in the system. Perhaps you are confusing our app with some other app?? Can you share with me at where you are seeing the “ban” ???
Follow up #1 - Following up on this ? Can you please update on this issue ?
guys make sure you read this before using this app , If there was the option of zero star, I Would definitely give this app and their team zero . The app has so many bugs , first of all you should know that if you are using checkout-x for your checkout page , The coupon code generated by this app will not work . so after 1 week using this app and then receiving negative feedbacks of my members , they told me that I can not use that with checkout X. so basically you might loose the trust of your affiliates when the code is not working ,they dont mention that since they want you to get the app and subscribe, and after that they will not mention until you ask . 24 hours after the first issue ,second issue showed up. the purchases from referral links are not getting recorded . means if your affiliate send the link to the referrals and they complete the purchase , the purchase will not be recorded and as a result , your affiliate thinks that you lied to them and you steal their commissions , as a result , you loose your members , be so much careful with this app since it might destroy your whole reputation as it did to me so far. now waiting for their response . update of review : There is no issue from me using checkout X for my shopify , I am aware of rules and aware of what I am doing , everything is in its place . I guess it is better for you guys as developer of this app to mention all details when someone want to use the details . I can provide details of how your support chat has responded to me when I defend my affiliate rights on getting their commissions . do not try to put the blame on me or checkout X or shopify . that is the issue for your app . I am asking why when my affiliate placing orders , it has not been tracked by your app and how they can get their commissions . and then your support replied there is issue with your app and they need to check and ask me to manually enter the details of those affiliates which did not get their commissions and raised the issue . basically if someone did not mention about their commissions and did not raise the issue , I do not need to do anything . a fabulous suggestion from your support team ,basically means we do not need pay their commissions if they do not mention anything . isnt that marvelous ? now you need to fix the issue of your app tracking the orders , otherwise you can clearly say that this app is not working . it is not about shopify or checkout X OPTION , IT IS ABOUT YOUR APP WHICH IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY . UPDATE : first of all I was not angry , I asked your support team about the issue and when they mentioned that i DO NOT NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OTHER MEMBERS WHICH ARE NOT RAISING THE ISSUE , I GOT angry . secondly I had no discussion with checkout X about this issue so far , and I am sure if i ask them they will definitely respond better than your support team and take responsibility . based on new rules if I uninstall checkout X which bring me thousands dollars sales , I am not able to install it back in 2021 , only old members like me can use the checkout X because we registered that in 2020. so basically this is one of those funny answers again. TO MENTION AGAIN , SINCE YOU ARE TRYING TO MISLEAD THE TOPIC , I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT COUPON CODE , I DEACTIVATE THE COUOPN CODE YESTERDAY SINCE YOU TOLD ME THAT IT IS NOT WORKING WITH CHECKOUT X .. TODAY WE HAVE OTHER ISSUE , WHY SOME OF THE ORDERS ARE BEING TRACKED BY YOUR APP AND SOME DO NOT. SO BASICALLY IT IS NOT CHECKOUT X ISSUE when some of them get their commissions and some not , that is obviously your app issue . so please do not take the topic on coupon code , that is already dealt with . I am asking why some of the orders are being tracked , and some are not . they all using the same method for checkout .... i need a clear answer , if your app is not working , why do you offer it in shopify app section ? better not be in the list and work properly rather than be there and damaging other businesses and their members trust on them . you need to raise your knowledge on it ,also raise your app functionalities . update ; so basically we go to the topic that this app is useless , also support team has no information about their own app . thanks we prefere to cancel our subscription before we get any more damaged by your app or your team from india and we will take the case to checkout X as well to see how they respond to what you have mentioned here . the funny part is when I asked your support team that why didnt you mention that it does not work with checkout X , THEY SAID THEY CAN NOT MENTION ANY OTHER APP SICNE THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED and now in this comment they are mentioning other app name here easily on public and they are destroying their public image as well. Thanks for your awesome, professional and knowledgable response !!!!!
Just to clarify, CheckoutX is a third party private checkout app (and not regular shopify checkout system). If you use a private app to customize your checkout, you are deliberately breaking Shopify's terms of conditions and because of this we cannot support this CheckoutX as the checkout system.
When you create this private app, you are warned multiple times by Shopify themselves. See below
Also see the "Play by rules" section of Shopify terms
We cannot support any store or app, which is deliberatly in violation of rules set by the shopify platform, as this puts us at risk of getting banned from the app store as well. And this has nothing to do with the app itself. If you use a shopify checkout or any shopify supported checkouts, the app works flawlessly.
Also, we understand that you are frustrated, but if you had followed the setup wizard which does the initial compatibility and tracking test, you would have known this right away.
Finally, we highly recommend that you get in touch with Shopify customer support and get explicit permission to use the CheckoutX system otherwise your shopify account may be at risk of getting suspended.
Thanks and Regards.
We understand your anger, and I assure you the support rep will be appropriately dealt with. I just want to mention that these unsupported checkout apps are breaking trust between app developers and merchants.
A small request, try the app without CHECKOUT-X system and see if it works or not. If the app works with normal Shopify checkout system then you know where the fault is, isn't it.
If you need more confirmation, ask the CheckoutX team, why they are not on Shopify app store ? Because it is their system that is broken.
Coupon codes of affiliates are in your (Shopify discounts page -> GOAFFPRO app -> View discount codes), they work on Shopify checkout, but the don't work on CheckoutX checkout. Please ask CheckoutX, why is that ?
I feel like, you (or the CheckoutX team) are passing the blame onto us for which we have absolutely no control over. We cannot add custom scripts to track conversion in CheckoutX (since they are outside shopify ecosystem), which is required for conversion tracking.
One of the ways to do tracking in such scenarios, is to create a custom coupon code in Shopify and then assign this coupon code to the affiliate (just like the HAPPY10 coupon code you have). The system can read those coupon codes and and correctly assign the sales.
Also for past orders, if your affiliates can tell you the order numbers, you can assign those sales to them via Sales -> All sales tab -> create new sale manually option.
UPDATE #2 - The orders geting tracked are only the ones which the affiliate himself placed (using their own email address as customer). So in that case, the affiliate's usage of link does not matter as they are explicitly tagging the orders to themselves with their own email.
it have some problem , When press setting don't show anything ,try to order The balance is not shown. I think it's not perfect.
I installed this app assuming it has the "world's largest" network as it advertises, but let alone the world's largest... it doesn't have any network at all! I hate to be scammed. Spent 2+ hours of my life on this app. Even upgraded to the paid plan.
Also, very limited customizability options. You have zero control on signup pages. I am very frustrated because I wasted so much time on this.
I started a new store after setting up 2 other stores and thought that this app can be of help to grow my business. But this app just wasted my time instead.
UPDATE: I did not have any doubts!! If you want people to contact you to get access to the network, then at least specify that in the app so that people know what to do rather than wasting time browsing the app without a clue.
Hello, Thanks for the review. A few clarifications.
1. The network is open to select merchants only and approval is done on per store basis. This keeps the noise down and ensures that our influencers have access to the best affiliate programs. To get access you need to contact the support team.
2. We offer 3 different styles of signup pages, which you can customize thoroughly. You can set custom fields, change field titles, set images, write program details, etc. The signup pages can be customized in Setting -> Branding -> SIgnup Pages section.
3. Since you canceled within the trial period, you were not charged for the usage.
I hope this answers some of your doubts. And I really hope you give us another try. Please get in touch with us at so we can help you better.
Update: My apologies for the communication gap. We will certainly amend the relevant sections of the app, so the confusion does not arise in future. I thank you for your valuable feedback, and I deeply apologize for the error on our part.
I don't see a point in using this app. Emailed support asking some questions on the marketplace, did not get a response. If you're looking for an affiliate program with a marketplace where affiliates can find you, this is not it. You have to find your own affiliates.
Hi Puzzlev
The app is intended to provide you with a fair and unbiased handler to establish trust between you and your affiliates. The reason marketplace is currently in beta and not live yet, is because, by providing you with our affiliates, the trust with merchant is bound to break over long term.
The simple reason is that you cannot independently trust the tracking of an affiliate NETWORK, and have to have your own tracking methods to know that the sales being claimed by the network's affiliates are actually correct and not organic sales being reported as referral sales (by THEIR app)
Even if you use a affiliate network to get you sales, you still should have your own verification mechanism otherwise you will loose money to fraudulent orders and refund scams. We have been in this business for over a decade and know why offering a network is actually detrimental to the merchant's business.
Hope this helps clears your doubts.
After installing the app, I keep receiving emails about Goaff Pro from India.
The emails say I am now "on a list to continue receiving future emails".
What in the heck is going on?