GrabExpress Delivery

GrabExpress Delivery

Installazione gratuita. Possono essere applicati costi aggiuntivi.
Valutazione (1,0)

Informazioni sull’app


8 febbraio 2022

Say goodbye to the headaches from trying to manage all your deliveries across multiple channels. With GrabExpress on Shopify, on-demand delivery is made seamless, so you can send and track all kinds of deliveries, all from one place. We cover instant, same day, and even multi-stop deliveries. So pick a hassle-free delivery option for your Shopify orders. This helps you save time, so you can focus on all the Boss things like growing your business! #Key features:# - Automatic syncing of...

Say goodbye to the headaches from trying to manage all your deliveries across multiple channels. With GrabExpress on Shopify, on-demand delivery is made seamless, so you can send and track all kinds of deliveries, all from one place. We cover instant, same day, and even multi-stop deliveries. So pick a hassle-free delivery option for your Shopify orders. This helps you save time, so you can focus on all the Boss things like growing your business! #Key features:# - Automatic syncing of... altro


Installazione gratuita

Delivery fees are dependent on distance, number of stops, time of day and more.

Installazione gratuita

Delivery fees are dependent on distance, number of stops, time of day and more.

Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD.

1 recensione

Valutazione complessiva
Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 100% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
Data modifica: 15 agosto 2022

I've recently installed the app, but for some reason can't select any of my delivery orders. It says that I should change the city on the grab homepage, but it's listed as deliver to "Metro Manila" which is where all, if not most, my orders are going to be shipped to.

Dear Pets PH
5 mesi di utilizzo dell’app

Informazioni sull’app


8 febbraio 2022

Sviluppata da Grab

Informazioni su Grab

Valutazione media: 1,0

Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 2 anni

Marina One, Singapore, 018937, SG


Invia un messaggio

Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.

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