Happy Checkout

Happy Checkout

$6/mese. Prova gratuita disponibile.
Valutazione (4,4)

Informazioni sull’app


19 marzo 2012

Funziona con

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest

Imagine you've just had a fantastic dinner at a popular new restaurant. The food was fantastic, the wine was perfect, and the server was attentive without being overbearing. It's been a beautiful evening, and you've just received the check for a wonderful meal and experience. You feel great so far, right? Suddenly, you pay the bill and everything changes. Your water glass isn't filled again; the server keeps looking at you wondering when you're going to leave, then comes over to pick up the...

Imagine you've just had a fantastic dinner at a popular new restaurant. The food was fantastic, the wine was perfect, and the server was attentive without being overbearing. It's been a beautiful evening, and you've just received the check for a wonderful meal and experience. You feel great so far, right? Suddenly, you pay the bill and everything changes. Your water glass isn't filled again; the server keeps looking at you wondering when you're going to leave, then comes over to pick up the... altro


$6 /mese

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni

$6 /mese

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni

Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD. Per gli addebiti ricorrenti e le spese basate sull’utilizzo ricevi una fattura ogni 30 giorni.

68 recensioni

Valutazione complessiva
Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 78% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 6% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 4% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 3% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 9% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
29 dicembre 2013

Great app, wish I installed it earlier.

Would love to see Pinterest & Google+ integration.

AyeGear - iPad & Macbook Clothing, Carry Your iPad | Travel Vests | Hoodies | Jackets | Tees
Regno Unito
Circa 6 anni di utilizzo dell’app
16 aprile 2013

Had a bug issue that myself nor Shopify could figure out. The support line for Happy Endings did a great job at addressing the issue and walking me through it. In the end it is working and my customers are happy! Thank you!

Stati Uniti
Circa 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
13 gennaio 2014

Love this APP! I just set it up and it is perfect! What a great thing for my customers to see at the end of their order placement.

The Original Curly Tee Towel™
Stati Uniti
Quasi 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
29 agosto 2013

Simple to implement, useful, and great tech support with any issues!

Eyes On Walls
Quasi 2 anni di utilizzo dell’app
21 luglio 2014

Easy; great and fast support; free customization. Love it.

Reviv Serums
Stati Uniti
Oltre un anno di utilizzo dell’app

Informazioni sull’app


19 marzo 2012

Funziona con

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest

Sviluppata da Golden Rule Ventures

Informazioni su Golden Rule Ventures

Valutazione media: 4,6

Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 12 anni

2604 James M Wood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90006, US


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Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.

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