Avaliações (53)
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Didn't work so I had to find an alternative, also cheers for the 300 emails that came direct to my inbox, of which only one was actually addressed to me, ironically asking me to write this review..well, there you go.
Sucks. Does not load the photos correctly. Intagme is a much better widget. No advertisements either.
Not Good. 1) limited images 2)no slider to see / load more 3) if you click on image, takes you to their website and then you see feed. 4) no lightbox / popout 5) THEY CHARGE FOR WHAT? (see 1-4)
Seriously? $5 a month and it links to a page with nothing but advertising on it for every one of my Instagram photos? I uninstalled - I don't pay for you to advertise off my website! The point of Instagram is for Instagram users to find our feed, like it and comment on the photos not get inundated with advertising from who knows where? Brutal. Not to mention there is NO ability for my customers ...