리뷰 (6,086)
상세 검색
Thanks for the awesome chat app. please improve the notifications for mobile as we miss the the chat replies sometimes.
Easy to use! Able to answer customers enquiries without having to leave the Shopify platform. Would love to see more free customisations. Tq again Shopify for making our lives easier! :) onlybrown.com
- Men's Fine Leather Goods & Accessories since 2011
This app is great! It allows consistent communication with your customers and it's easy to use. I only wish it would send customer's message to my email when I'm not available.
So glad to hear you're enjoying the app! If you receive a message from your customers when you are logged out of Shopify, you should be receiving an email notification by default. This would be sent to all staff members with Inbox permissions, so I'd recommend double checking those settings if you aren't receiving the emails. If everything looks good there, feel free to reach out at inbox@shopify.com, and we'd be happy to help you troubleshoot that! - Brie, Shopify Support
the app is improving and adding more features. Would suggest making a desktop app, and have some preset robot reply like FAQ. At the moment, it justs show "What's my order status?" which is seldom needed from us.
Hello Yau Shing Gems, thank you for your feedback and review!
We do indeed have Shopify Ping available on desktop now. Head to shopifyping.com and login with your store name and email. It certainly helps many merchants to handle chats.
Great idea about presets, although they are coming for Android devices. (This is currently available on IOS devices.) Just keep your Shopify Ping app up to date and enjoy the newest features.
Hope that helps! Get in touch if you need anything else.
Best regards,
Veronica N.
Senior Support Specialist - Ping
Tekee työnsä. Ei mitään hienouksia, mutta perusasiat toimii
Outil efficace pour entrer en contact et renseigner les clients. Parfois les messages arrivent tardivement. Correct dans l'ensemble.
Fatta bene, da molte possibilità nella chat, come i messaggi automatici, le risposte rapide, condivisione dei prodotti e degli sconti. Adoro il fatto di avere l'app dedicata per il mobile e le integrazioni con messanger, apple chat, facebook..! Unica pecca, ha dei ritardi nella ricezione dei messaggi, a volte di 3-4 minuti che fanno perdere il cliente. Inoltre sarebbe bello se, quando il cliente apre la chat, potesse inserire il numero di cellulare in alternativa all'email. Ma so che shopify è in continua evoluzione ed anche questa app è stata ottimizzata ed aggiornata molte volte negli ultimi mesi, quindi miglioreranno anche questo ;)
I used this app to help interact with customers. Just wish it was some kind of way to do an automated response when business is closed.
Hi Calans Collections, thanks for leaving a review and feedback!
Our Product team is currently working on availability hours feature that includes an automated greeting for Android users on Ping. I don't have an exact date for when this feature will be released, however it is due to be released this year!
Hope that helps! Get in touch if you need anything else, our team can be reached at ping@shopify.com
Thanks again,
Ruby C.
Senior Support Specialist - Ping
Shopify Inbox is extremely useful, which allows me to obtain emails from my customers and respond at an appropriate time.