IP2Location Redirector

IP2Location Redirector

$9.99/mese. Prova gratuita disponibile.
Valutazione (3,5)

Informazioni sull’app


20 maggio 2020



Questa app non è disponibile in Italiano

Redirect your visitor to a custom predefined URL based on their IP address.

IP2Location IP Country Redirect helps merchants to redirect their visitors to a targeted destination URL based on their IP address, country or state. It is also a 404 redirect plugin that helps to redirect users on a working web page. On the other hand, store owners are able to reach the right audience - segment visitors by geographical location. They can target and serve content that is more relevant by location. The App automatically detects the IPv4 or IPv6 address and is easy to install.

IP2Location IP Country Redirect helps merchants to redirect their visitors to a targeted destination URL based on their IP address, country or state. It is also a 404 redirect plugin that helps to redirect users on a working web page. On the other hand, store owners are able to reach the right audience - segment visitors by geographical location. They can target and serve content that is more relevant by location. The App automatically detects the IPv4 or IPv6 address and is easy to install. altro
  • Support IPv4 and IPv6 - automatically redirect visitor by IP Geolocation.
  • Redirect visitors based on IP address, country or state with multiple rules.
  • 404 redirect plugin to prevent 404 error pages issue.
  • Instant redirect the visitors or reconfirm by using a pop-up dialog.
  • You can decide if to bypass the bots or crawlers traffic from redirection.



$9.99 /mese

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni


$9.99 /mese

Prova gratuita di 7 giorni

Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD. Per gli addebiti ricorrenti e le spese basate sull’utilizzo ricevi una fattura ogni 30 giorni.

2 recensioni

Valutazione complessiva
Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 50% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 50% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
6 luglio 2022

App works as directed. Allows us to redirect traffic where a couple of our product selections are not available for sale. A great addition to our site!

Stati Uniti
5 mesi di utilizzo dell’app
18 ottobre 2021

Nothing works, constant problems errors, pages not loading, guys just make something work before you release it

DARTFROG wear europe
Stati Uniti
15 minuti di utilizzo dell’app
Hexasoft Development ha risposto 20 ottobre 2021

Can you please email us (support@ip2location.com) with details about the issues? So that our team can assist you to resolve it.

Informazioni sull’app


20 maggio 2020



Questa app non è disponibile in Italiano

Sviluppata da Hexasoft Development

Informazioni su Hexasoft Development

Valutazione media: 3,8

Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 10 anni

70-3-30A, D'Piazza Mall, Jalan Mahsuri, Bayan Baru, PNG, 11950, MY


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Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.

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