レビュー (9)
Good price, so many products, you can ask them about some brand and they will add
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your prompt response. We are really impressed with the attitude of responding to consultations from various angles. You answered the reckless request from us, "We want to sell sneakers," and we think your response is truly first-class. The trend is likely to change again around next year, so we will directly contact with you again at that time.
Thanks for the awesome feedback! Helping you find the quality products you need is one of our best features.
It's our duty to help and provide you with the products and services you need to succeed. Don't hesitate to reach back to us anytime because we're always here for you. Thank you so much!
They reply fast on support and the products selections are great. You can see in their app that it was made with care for users.
Appreciate the feedback! We're so glad you're satisfied with our service. We make sure to be fast when it comes to supporting you. Korealy is always here to help you. Thank you so much.