Loox ‑ Product Reviews App
レビュー (22,721)
I loved the app, but I do not have the patience to think of 100 characters to type about my rating!
I hope this product helps improve my conversion rates with customers being able to see reviews and see how much people like that product.
Great options. Highly recommend!
is the best app for eve! i love it, its so simple y practice, youi need this app, never change loox, never :)
good app. I really love it. thank you for this great app. I am going to use ut for a really long time because it is a good app.
Great app to import the reviews from aliexpress. Thanks to Loox. With the photo we can choose the stars to put on our website
Really great app and really good customer service! I needed help and Jodel was really helpful and also gave me tips of the different features! :)
Sehr professionelle App, super einfach und bringt so viel Mehrwert! Ich würde Sie jedem empfehlen der mit seinem Business aufs nächste Level kommen möchte!
best application for shopify i evere seen its amazing good price and its great in my opinion i use that fo the first time and i dont have bad words about that