Sent a request via email and got a reply in less then 5 minutes. I love it!
Low Stock Alert functions exactly how we need it! We are notified when certain products fall below a certain threshold, which allows us to act fast and restock so our clients aren't left wanting!
Just starting playing around with this, and will see how it works. hopeful it will serve our needs!
Great APP. Works like a charm. will definitely recommend to another store. Check us out. www.thehalloweenspot.com
The App is very useful. It allows me to keep ahead of my inventory status and re-order stock before an item complete phase out. I would recommend it to others. Besides, it FREE so I have nothing to lose.
It does what it promises and does it for free. What more could you ask?
This is an edit of my original review (no star change, but some updates). I didn't understand at first how the collections worked and I was thinking in terms of collections based on product types. That isn't really what we wanted though. So now as we get closer to launch, we created three collections and alerts: one for items ...
This app is perfect and does exactly what it says! And free! Love it so much
very nice app thanks so much ...
Thank for make this app. now i dont have problem with low inventory
Great app, simple to use and does exactly what it should