レビュー (674)
I HATE the way Mailchimp is pushing to authenticate domain AFTER I did it!
Thank you for the information here. If the domain is already authenticated, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies. Cached data could cause certain alerts to show again.
Full of problems that the support team are unable to resolve.
Hey Caspian, can you refresh the review with information about your interaction with our Support team? We want to be sure it's reviewed and followed up with accordingly.
Great App. A free upgrade from the old workaround. After installation, I have 1000's of customers in my list that had previously unsubscribed and were resent welcome emails causing my account to be spammed. My abandoned carts no longer work and there is no way to contact support to fix any of it. Great work!
Hi there, we saw your review and wanted to get in touch. We’re sorry for any unnecessary emails that got triggered. In the pre-install checklist https://mailchimp.com/help/connect-shopify/#Before_you_start, we recommend to archive ‘Welcome emails’ so it would prevent this from happening. Additionally, we recommend installing the abandoned carts functionality after install. In order to have your shop function as expected, please be sure to follow our guidelines. Once properly installed, your abandoned carts will begin functioning business as usual.
In regards to support, you can reach us anytime through “Contact Support” within the app. Please note, you do not have to be paid user of Mailchimp to get basic troubleshooting or set up help. In oder to route you to the proper support team, please ensure you are logged in. Again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration and will help all that we can.
Support pretty much sucks. Support is very hard to contact. I did receive one response but what I was told never would happen never did. Most of my stats doubled and I can't get that problem corrected.
I had been using this app since it was Shop Sync when Shopify and Mailchimp split up. Suddenly this past Sunday 3979 contacts were deleted from my mailing list. I just discovered this tonight and they are telling me to make a new list and resync all the contacts. This does not fix the problem because all these contacts had already updated preferences about which emails to get and discovering this the night before I launch a project 7 years in the making has me fuming. I will be leaving Mailchimp, I had been a customer since 2008. All they are saying is we know this is unsettling. This is a bug on their end but the small businesses are paying the price. Total Garbage. I just want all my contacts back so I can export the list to a new company. The other thing I just realized is syncing the contacts again could cause some folks who have unsubscribed to get emails again, which then flags the account and causes more problems.
Hi Club Duquette, thanks for your patience while we researched your comments. By chance, did you have the old (Legacy) Mailchimp for Shopify app installed previously? If so, and it was deleted recently, that would've caused data to be "deleted" in Mailchimp. We realize the inconvenience and frustration this has caused and have made an update to the legacy application to eliminate this behavior going forward.
The good news is that resyncing your store using the new Mailchimp for Shopify integration should fix any missing data. We'll grab your customer's order information and opt-in preference and sync them with your Audience. Follow this guideline for set up: https://mailchimp.com/help/connect-shopify/. Please reach out to our support team anytime if you see anything different after a resync is completed and we will be happy to help!
We strongly recommend not to sync Shopify with Mailchimp. In fact we also don't recommend working with Mailchimp anymore.
Mailchimp was offering a free Zoom sessions with their experts to integrate with Shopsync. We had a session and received totally wrong advice from one of those experts: www.staycollective.co.com and consequently we had a serious problem with our automations in the middle of the BF campaign. We were not told that many things could behave as they did. There is no chat support from Shopsync and Mailchimp agents are not trained in this integration yet, so that's not the best scenario to rely on an integration yet. In our case, the Mailchimp Expert who integrated our site with Shopsync denied any further help, and Mailchimp Support was not able to fix the problem.To prevent bigger issues, this weekend we had to disconnect the integration this weekend, loosing many leads in our ongoing campaign that was saved thanks to Shopify. When trying to to seek help from Mailchimp desk since last Friday, we have heard suggestions like "Since the integration will pull over all contacts from Shopify, it will be necessary to remove/archive those contacts in Shopify before connecting with Mailchimp" or "There are certain behaviors that the connection will have, and I want to be transparent about that" (...) There were also not able to clarify how to proceed with our automations once archived when performing an integration as you advice in your disclaimer "If you have welcome e-mail automations running in Mailchimp, please archive (not pause) before installing ShopSync. There have been reports that emails have been resent after performing sync, and we are actively investigating the issue. Other automations are not impacted and can be migrated as noted in Mailchimp's knowledge base article". We couldn't learn about this disclaimer when our integration was performed. We understand that Shopsync is not directly responsible about Mailchimp support or their Experts but please also understand that this integration is meant to work with Mailchimp, so for your sake and ours, please make sure that we customers will be able to get support of any kind if anything happens, specially in such a sensitive times like BF within a pandemic. Thank you for your comprehension
Hi there, we saw your review and wanted to reply. We take all feedback seriously and appreciate the members who voice them. After reading your review, it sounds like your comments may be better directed at Mailchimp or the experts you specified.
As the developers behind ShopSync, we use this area to learn from our customers on how to improve it and hopefully help their Shopify businesses along the way. We can't speak for Mailchimp or any other 3rd party, as we are not affiliated with them.
If you can, we'd appreciate an update on the review of the app. As developers, it's vital for our community of users to feel confident that the plugin is an excellent option to sync their store with Mailchimp if they choose to do so.
We'll be glad to help assist with the installation of ShopSync, please contact us at support@shopsync.io.
Terrible - it schedules some emails, but not others. Doesn't send the scheduled ones when they're required and also sends abandon carts emails when the customer has already made a purchase, despite all the flows being set up correctly. Would NOT recommend it.
Thank you for the details! We'd like to have our Support team take a look at this with you and see what's going on. Email mc-ecommappsupport@intuit.com with these details and they'll follow up.
I can't even get on the page within Shopify to upgrade to get help because it isn't recognizing me and I am the only administrator. Where am I to get help?
Also - re the removing the opt-in at checkout and making a comment on the page to ask customers to re-check the opt-in - - shopify doesn't let you edit the content in the cart at all from what I understand.
Hi there, we looked into your account and it appears you have connected your store to Mailchimp and things are syncing as expected. We see the recent activity of data submissions over to your audience even in the last hour.
Is it possible your review is related to an issue you had that was resolved or something else entirely? If you still need help, please reach out to our support team at support@shopsync.io and we'll be glad to help.
This app has one major flaw - it unsubscribes your most engaged followers when they purchase from your store, unless they re-tick your receive emails button. They are aware of this and don't see it as a big issue, however it requires a lot of admin to manually undo it.
Thanks for getting in touch about the association between pop-up form subscribers and customers who are being unsubscribed at checkout later - there are a few things in play here. Let me take the opportunity to explain the issue in its entirety.
As things are designed currently, the pop-up form is triggered by Mailchimp, and the opt-in feature at checkout of your Shopify store function independently from one another. The pop-up form is triggered by Mailchimp and associates it with a particular Audience. Meanwhile, your Shopify store connects customers at checkout with the same MailChimp Audience.
Unfortunately, in some situations, it can create a subscriber status that is out of alignment. For example, if someone opts-in to a pop-up form initially, but later they do not opt-in at checkout, it would indeed unsubscribe them from Mailchimp.
We understand how this situation may not be ideal in all cases, but, we're following the directives of the customer at checkout. Since we are not seeing them subscribed in Shopify at the time of the transaction, we really have no other choice but to pass that user as unsubscribed to Mailchimp.
I'm sorry we don't have a perfect answer for this particular scenario, but please understand it's not the app entirely at fault here. Perhaps, a workaround for these edge-cases would be to put some text on the checkout page to encourage users to opt-in for certain communications?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have additional or follow-up questions.
I do not get subscribers synced into Mailchimp from Shopify. The app does not function properly. No idea why and there is no chat support for the the free subscription.
Hi there, would it be possible for you to reach out to the customer support team to discuss the issue you're experiencing? We do not have a record of questions from your store and we would be happy to work through any issues you're experiencing. There can be valid reasons why subscribers aren't being subscribed, e.g. customers don't subscribe to marketing at checkout, use checkout methods like Shop Pay, PayPal, etc. that don't currently allow customers to opt-in to marketing, etc.
We see that your site is still using our app, completed syncing today, and is processing data in real-time. We can be contacted at support@shopsync.io.
Lastly, chat is reserved for our paying customers because we have to staff real humans to answer questions. If for any reason chat isn't available and you're a Pro user, you can always browse our support docs for quick answers at https://support.shopsync.io/. Otherwise, hit us up with any initial syncing questions at no charge and we can help out.