评论 (1,006)

  • 84% 的评分是 5 星
  • 10% 的评分是 4 星
  • 1% 的评分是 3 星
  • 1% 的评分是 2 星
  • 4% 的评分是 1 星

Finally had to UNINSTALL the app. They have a big problem with CROPPING and although they gave me another chance to get it going, THERE IS NO WAY TO FIX THE CROPPING ISSUE.
What do i mean by cropping?
The app will chop off the top, bottom or side of your product image in a very unflattering way and...you can't edit or fix this.
It looks like it has potential, but for now, they need to RETRAIN THEIR AI model to be able to discern the pixel dimensions of an image and act accordingly...not crop it randomly.

Kurt Thompson
16天 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2024年10月6日

Hi Kurt

Thanks for your thoughts and sorry to hear of your experience!

I've DM'd you, please could you come back to me, or pop me an email to reply to the email I've sent you. as I want to get to the bottom of this.

I really want to solve these issues for you. Please come back to me so I can help 🙏

Avraham | Customer Success Director


Love that there’s an app to help me create videos, dislike that the app will randomly crash it’s hard to see all my products as well when selecting to create videos. Has great potential just a lot of little kinks that needs to be worked out.

Luna Haru
7个月 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2024年7月17日

Thank you for your feedback!

I've popped you a DM and an email to follow up, could you come back to me?

Best wishes!

Avraham | Customer Success


Its just not ready. Its close but misses important details that makes it useless. For instance, all this app does is create product videos and push them does to your platform, the videos are great with a lot of template and music choices....BUT it literally doesn't have any way to attach the link to the product. There is only a global link that's assigned to all videos. That means if you want to create product videos and ads you then have to run around to go to your website to find the product, get the link, then go around to all your social media outlet and edit the posts to attach the product links. Additionally when you select a product it brings in all of the product images associated with the product but you cant delete any or reorder them so if you have a size guide or something in there that will be in your post. Its close but because of these issues its not useable for me. There's no situation where I need to create a bunch of product posts that don't link back to the product. Its close but just not ready as far as I'm concerned.

Whoopsie Daisy
6天 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2024年6月16日

Thank you for your feedback!

I've popped you a DM and an email to follow up, could you come back to me?

Best wishes!

Avraham | Customer Success


Ist nicht schlecht, aber hat zu wenige Einstellmöglichkeiten um die Videos wirklich voll automatisiert laufen zu lassen. Wirklich professionell kann man damit nicht seinen Social Media Content kreieren.

UPDATE (Sterne von 1 auf 3 hochgesetzt): Ich möchte nun im Detail darauf eingehen was alles verbessert werden sollte bzw. derzeit nicht funktioniert. Da ich, und das muss ich zugeben, ursprünglich etwas zu hart urteilte und meine Kritik zu allgemein gehalten und ich mich nicht auf explizite Probleme mit der App bezog.

Ich habe Minta abonniert um 35$ per Monat. Auch wenn es ein happiger Preis zu sein scheint war es mir eine Volll-Automatisierung wert, da ich weiß wieviel Zeit content creation auf mehreren Plattformen kosten kann.. Nun ja, das funktioniert nur, wenn sie am Anfang des Videos das brand slide nicht einfügen. Denn wenn sie das tun, dann werden die Thumbnails ihrer erstellten Videos (sie haben nur 70 p.m.) in ihrer voreingestellten brand Farbe erscheinen- ohne Logo. 1.) Leider kann man die thumbnails der generierten Videos nicht vorab aussuchen, was normalerweise schon Standard auf jeder social media plattform ist- daher werden sie auf jeder Plattform, auf der die Videos gepostet werden, sprich Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook und TikTok, als blank dargestellt. Das sieht nicht nur unprofessionell aus, das ist fast schon geschäftsschädigend und Reichweite erzielt man mit Videos ohne Thumbnail auch nicht. Damit fällt die Voll-Automatisierung schonmal aus. Also muss man alles händisch herunterladen und manuell auf die einzelnen Plattformen hochladen. Nehmen wir an Minta fixed diesen bug. 2.) Dann kommen wir zum nächsten Problem: Beim automatischen planner kann man die Beschreibungstexte seiner Produkte nicht automatisch einbinden.. nur den Titel und den Preis des Produkts kann man automatisiert anzeigen lassen. 3.) Die Musikauswahl ist sehr bescheiden. Es wäre toll die Musikauswahl von TikTok für TikTok Videos und Meta lizenzierte Songs für Instagram und Facebook Reels zur Verfügung zu stellen. Da die Songs ohnehin auf diesen Plattformen lizenziert sind, wäre eine Verwendung der jeweiligen Musikbibliotheken in Ordnung. 4.) Angenommen Minta fixed die Punkte 1,2 und 3, dann wäre da noch das Problem dass die autopost app nicht erkennt, welche Produkte schon auf den jeweiligen Plattformen gepostet wurden. Da kein Abgleich geschieht könnten, wenn man Pech hat, mehrere Videos desselben Produkts hintereinander gepostet werden. Das heißt es ist erst wieder manuelles überwachen notwendig. 5.) Man hat die Möglichkeit, sich diverse templates einzurichten und per Stern als Favorit zu speichern. Das gilt aber leider nicht für auto posts .. hier werden einfach mal alle templates ausgewählt und man hat absolut keine Übersicht welche templates die waren, die man sich zuvor in stundenlanger Arbeit ausgesucht hatte. 6.) Alle Bilder eines Produkts werden hochgeladen, ich würde jedoch gerne selbst entscheiden welche Bilder und in welcher Reihenfolge ich sie für Posts verwenden möchte.

Fazit: Ob ich noch zahlender Minta Kunde bin? - Ja, bin ich. Einfach weil es derzeit keine anderen, mir bekannten, Alternativen gibt. Ob ich happy bin? Nein, es gibt noch zuviele Probleme sodass es für meine Bedürfnisse nicht automatisiert erzeugt werden kann. Aber immerhin bekomme ich die Videos, welche ich mir downloaden und anschließend mittels der meta business suite/tiktok creator/pinterest planner mühsam einzeln erstellen und planen kann.. inklusive der mir wichtigen Produktbeschreibungen und besserer Musik.

Wenn eine andere App auf den Markt kommt die diese auto-posts nach meinen Vorstellungen generieren kann werde ich wechseln- sofern sich bis dahin nichts ändert.

SOLEA Epoxid Schmuck
大约2个月 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2024年6月26日


Tut mir leid, dass Ihnen die Minta-App nicht gefallen hat – das ist nicht die Erfahrung, die wir unseren Kunden bieten möchten!

Ich habe Ihnen mehrere Nachrichten geschickt, um Ihre Bedenken auszuräumen.

Könnten Sie bitte im Live-Chat auf mich zurückkommen oder mir eine E-Mail an avraham@reconvert.com senden? Ich würde gerne einen Weg für Sie finden.

Ich möchte diese Probleme wirklich für Sie lösen und werde alles tun, was wir können, um sie zu lösen. Wir möchten, dass Sie zufrieden sind. :-)

Avraham | Customer Success Director


I don't like how the videos all start to look and sound the same. There needs to be more variety of music, videos and options to include your own personal pictures.also, add options in the other categories for videos even if you don't have sells

Love Me Scrubs
接近3年 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2021年2月25日

Thank you for your feedback!

We appreciate your honesty and are eager to hear how we can improve. Please let us know what changes or features would enhance your experience to 5 stars. 🙏😊

Please email care@reconvert.com and write Jordan in the subject and we can try to resolve this and work through any issues together.

Best wishes!

Jordan | Customer Care


This app is pretty cool if takes the guess work out of creating catchy marketing. I love that I can use the design but chose the photos I want used.

You Sew Crafty
大约1年 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2024年4月18日

Thank you for your feedback!

We appreciate your honesty and are eager to hear how we can improve. Please let us know what changes or features would enhance your experience to 5 stars. 🙏😊

Please email care@reconvert.com and write Jordan in the subject and we can try to resolve this and work through any issues together.

Best wishes!

Jordan | Customer Care


Great, you can develop video fast, however it's so restrictive - you cannot change the text & the fonts are hideous.. If this was to be fixed, then it would make this app very good.. needs more flexibility

大约1年 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2021年2月25日

Hey! Thanks, we improved out videos flexibility! go ahead and check it out!

Thank you for your feedback!

We appreciate your honesty and are eager to hear how we can improve. Please let us know what changes or features would enhance your experience to 5 stars. 🙏😊

Please email care@reconvert.com and write Jordan in the subject and we can try to resolve this and work through any issues together.

Best wishes!

Jordan | Customer Care


Amazing app. Super cool features, but comparing the pricing to Canva which has an enormous library of graphics, music, customization, basic video editing AND a content calendar for $13, Minta leaves a lot to be desired for it to be 2.5 times the price just for automation and a very limited library of video templates. Not to mention the buggy UI. I would be instantly sold if it had the same robust library and features or if the pricing was on a similar level. -Also needs different video formats, especially for Pinterest where longer images are ideal.

TIA Trends
8个月 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2021年12月7日

Thank you so much for your review. However, Minta is not comparable to Canva since Canva does not automatically create unlimited video and image content for you in seconds. Canva is still a drag and drop editor tool. With Minta you can get videos and designed images of every single product in your catalog in less time than it would take you to create one single video in Canva. We also have auto posting, meaning we create and post videos to your social channels without you doing anything. We save our users time... and time is money. With us, you do not need to spend countless hours creating content in a drag and drop program, leaving you time to focus on growing your business and getting sales. we are a completely different type of app serving a different purpose than Canva.


Another Update:

After working with them and them being responsive, their software broke and has been some days since. Their explanation is that it’s a Facebook issue. I’d spent a great deal of time getting familiar so that I could set up a month of planned posts and promos for my store.
I got no warning there was an issue and even after not much in the way of updates, by that I mean 0 updates. No other software I use had been ‘broken’ by a Facebook update. I have worked in the tech field for over 20 years and know it generally does not take more than 48 hours for companies like Facebook and Apple to correct app breaking issues.
What appears is these guys contacted the lot of us to get their reviews back up and then have left us high and dry. I’m dropping my review back to 3 stars and will drop it again if I’m still having the same issue by Monday. Really sad if this is now a new company doing the same thing. If it’s not Facebook then tell your customers what’s happening and be responsive as you were when you were trying to get me to change the review. They were nice enough to extend the free trial but if it doesn’t work if the software doesn’t work.

Minta has been taken over by a new company who reached out to let me know they would be the beginning in a new era of customer service excellence. So far they have been super responsive and helpful! Excited to work with them to grow our site and business!
This is not for the software but for the customer service. I tried it, canceled and went to look at a few others before I decided. I decided I’d go with Minta and asked if they had any New Year deals…it’s been 4 days and not a word. This concerns me because if I needed help, this is how they handle customer service. I;m a small business and we all here know time is money. Won’t sign up with someone who can’t answer one simple question.

The Pink Controller
7个月 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2023年6月1日

Thank you for your feedback!

We appreciate your honesty and are eager to hear how we can improve. Please let us know what changes or features would enhance your experience to 5 stars. 🙏😊

Please email care@reconvert.com and write Jordan in the subject and we can try to resolve this and work through any issues together.

Best wishes!

Jordan | Customer Care


I loved it at first but now its problem after problem. My auto posts aren't working consistently on IG or FB.

Coveted Dame
4个月 人在使用应用
Minta Auto Post Videos by ReConvert已回复 2024年4月18日

Thank you for your feedback!

We appreciate your honesty and are eager to hear how we can improve. Please let us know what changes or features would enhance your experience to 5 stars. 🙏😊

Please email care@reconvert.com and write Jordan in the subject and we can try to resolve this and work through any issues together.

Best wishes!

Jordan | Customer Care