Reseñas (12.054)
Por calificación
Support is top-notch!
Thank you so much for your review, it means a lot to us.
Thank you so much for your generous review. We're happy you had a fantastic time with us!
If there's anything else we can do to help, please let us know.
Abed - PageFly Team
Boo helped me alot, despite asking alot of questions he was very helpful <3
Thank you so much for your kind words, it’s a great motivation for us to improve ourselves!
I’m so glad that our support team is able to make you satisfied to the fullest. It’s all our pleasure to assist you throughout your journey with PageFly.
Rest assured that we will try our best to be a better assistant to you every day!
Have a nice day!
Boo | PageFly Team
Una tra le migliori app di shopify. Assistenza incredibile
Ciao, grazie mille per la tua recensione. Sono così felice che abbiamo potuto risolvere i problemi per te e sei soddisfatto di tutto ciò che abbiamo fatto per te.
Non esitate a farci sapere se avete bisogno di assistenza.
Siamo qui per aiutarti.
Usman - Squadra PageFly
Hasta el momento todo marcha muy bien. Quiero agradecer la amable asesoria de Tobey, gracias.
Thank you so much for your generous review. It was very nice of you. Rest assured that we will keep on improving our services for valued PageFly users like you.
Once again, Thank you for the loving words you've shared, and thank you for being the best part of PageFly.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop us a message in the Live Chat window. We are always ready to help you!
Have a wonderful day, and take care!
Tobey - PageFly Team
当社のサポート チームがお客様に最大限ご満足いただけたことを嬉しく思います。PageFly での旅を通じてお客様をサポートできることは、私たちにとって喜びです。
Junie | PageFly チーム
Excelente aplicación y el soporte técnico inmejorable, atención inmediata y solución igual de rápida.
Vaya, muchas gracias por la generosa reseña.
Fue realmente un placer para mí poder ayudarlo y me alegra mucho saber que pude ayudarlo.
Los clientes siempre han sido nuestra principal prioridad y estamos haciendo todo lo posible para merecer su confianza.
No dude en enviarnos un mensaje en cualquier momento si necesita más ayuda.
Mahedi - Equipo PageFly
非常感谢您花时间给我们留下如此精彩的评论。 我们非常感谢您的客气话。
请放心,我们将继续为像您这样的尊贵 PageFly 用户改进我们的服务。
罗西 | 飞页团队
Bis jetzt jede Frage beantwortet und geklärt.
Wir freuen uns über Ihr Feedback und sind erfreut, dass Ihnen unser Service gefallen hat. Ihre Zufriedenheit hat für uns oberste Priorität und wir freuen uns darauf, Ihnen noch besser zu dienen.
Dan || PageFly-Team
Thank you so much for your kind words, it’s a great motivation for us to improve ourselves!
I’m so glad that our support team is able to make you satisfied to the fullest. It’s all our pleasure to assist you throughout your journey with PageFly.
Rest assured that we will try our best to be a better assistant to you every day!
Have a nice day!
Usman | PageFly Team