レビュー (12,011)
The "trial" only allows you to create one template. So to try out different layouts you have to delete the one you just created. How are we supposed to know if the app will do what we want? Delete our work each time? What a waste!
On behalf of the PageFly Team, thank you for taking the time to rate us on the App Store. Currently, PageFly doesn’t have the Trial plan.
On all plans, even on the Free plan, you can discover all features and functions of PageFly.
We truly hope that you can give us another opportunity to serve you to make your experience better.
We are always here when you need us.
PageFly | Kate - Customer Success Manager
the response is terrible to questions asked on live chat, I really am not happy with using this app so far
Thank you for your review, we do appreciate your feedback on the App Store. Your feedback helps us to know how we are doing and what we need to improve PageFly as well as the service that we provide.
With PageFly, customer satisfaction is always our number one priority and we always strive to get this. And we feel so bad that we could not make you satisfied. I talked to my team about your case and I am also making a training plan to my team to notice all the problems. We will try our best to bring you a good experience with PageFlyl. We took all your thoughts and opinions to heart and we would love to make things right to meet your needs so feel free to reach out to us with any suggestions you wish to share.
Our whole team is also trying to improve PageFly to make it easy to use and more friendly.
Your recommendations and suggestions are always welcome and appreciated.
Have a great day!
PageFly | Kate - Customer Success Manager
I feel like this was a bait and switch. I can't make simple updates to the page I made because now it's a ***PRO*** feature?? Really slick guys.
Update. I was on the FREE plan. using one template for one page. Low and behold I'm getting charged $9.95 month now. Delete forever.
I am totally sorry for everything that has happened and made you have an unexpected experience with us. We had a chance to assist you but it’s clear that we failed to make you satisfied and this is a big lesson for us.
We have been updating the PageFly app and support to make it work smoothly and developing many new features.
I hope that we will have another chance to assist you.
PageFly | Kate - Customer Success Manager
Very annoying support to deal with! That is my #1 concern with apps because if I have problems, I need them fixed asap. Wasted hours of time to figure that out. All I need was a very basic question answered...
Hi Ryan,
I'm contacting you regarding the bad experience with our app. On behalf of our whole team, I would like to send you our sincere apology for everything that made you frustrated.
I know how you felt at that time, I do understand your feeling when you had troubles with our app, and I hope that you can give us a second chance to fix all the bugs and solve all remaining issues with our product.
We would be so happy if you can come back to the Live chat and we are always there to wait for you. Our whole team really wants to assist and support you, Ryan, can you come back? Or we can make the video call if it's convenient for you, I hope that through the video call, we can understand your issues and then I will work with the development team to fix all.
You and your satisfaction are so important to us, and we really don't want to miss a potential customer like you.
Your business with PageFly is greatly appreciated and I will be looking forward to hearing back from you.
Best Regards
Kate Nguyen | PageFly | Customer Success Manager
Extremely disappointed with this app. It lacks the basic functionality to select only main product images, instead pulling images for all variants, which massively slows down page speed. Moreover, the support team's insistence on additional charges to rectify their own bug is unacceptable. Not recommended.
On behalf of the PageFly Team, I would like to send you the deepest apology for any inconvenience and issue you had with our app.
Our team has responded to you but we haven’t heard back from you yet. When we received your review, we immediately checked and we take responsibility for this issue from our app.
We always aim to deliver a great experience to you, and we are gutted when we don’t meet expectations. Thanks for taking the time to bring this to our attention. We understand the frustration and inconvenience you faced while dealing with the issues, and we want to do everything we can to make things right.
We value your business with PageFly, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible service. We hope to hear from you soon so we will together solve the issue.
I will be looking forward to hearing back from you
Best regards,
PageFly | Kate - Customer Success Manager
This is the worst page builder I have ever used in my life. It is extremely stupid of pagefly's multi device compatibilities.
I have spent many hours on designing my Home page's "for all devices" section. After that I realize my mobile version does not match the "all devices" version.
This app is completely waste of time UNLESS you are super poor and looking for a FREE page builder.
Hi there,
On behalf of our team, I would like to send you a sincere apology for the unexpected experience you had with PageFly.
Until now, the regret is still with me like that day, I regret that you have not contacted the support team and regret that we did not have the opportunity to assist you.
When I read your feedback, I feel the discomfort and inconvenience you must go through and I just wish that we had the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for leaving clear feedback for us so we can work on improving PageFly.
I just want to let you know that I and my team are still here, anytime you need, and we are always willing to assist you.
PageFly | Kate - Customer Success Manager
The worst app ever. They went into my original web design files and changed things without my permission and didn't even tell me about it.All just to make sure their software works. I felt taken advantage of. It broke my website. I had multiple glitches, had to fix with my own time and money. It's pure vandalism. If this was offline there would be legal issues of property damage. Very unethical people. There are many more apps for page design that are much better. You can even check their replies to 1 star reviews, in which they are hostile and rude. Do not recommend if you care about your brand.
Thank you for giving us feedback on your experience with us.
We always aim for the customer experience with PageFly therefore we have been improving our app and support quality. There is nothing more important than your satisfaction.
Since you left a review for us, our team has been working so hard to release many new versions to make PageFly better and better.
I hope you can understand and if you need anything from us, we are always happy to help you.
PageFly | Kate - Customer Success Manager
Le panier ne fonctionne pas correctement depuis 15 jours et PageFly est incapable de réparer cela me renvoyant au créateur du thème qui me réponds que PageFly est entièrement responsable de ce bug et doit faire le nécessaire, or, personne ne semble compétent pour résoudre ce problème et la perte financière à cause de PageFly est conséquente, cette application n'est vraiment pas fiable et peut faire perdre beaucoup d'argent, le support n'est pas capable de prendre en charge correctement les bugs et de rendre compatibles leur application.
Je voudrais exprimer mes plus sincères excuses pour votre mauvaise expérience avec notre application.
Nous essayons toujours d'améliorer notre application pour garantir aux clients une expérience exceptionnelle, mais il est clair que nous n'y sommes pas parvenus. J'ai pris beaucoup de temps à lire votre avis et les conversations entre vous et notre équipe pour comprendre les problèmes. Nous nous sentions tellement mal que nous ne pouvions pas vous aider à résoudre complètement les problèmes à ce moment-là.
Nous comprenons vraiment à quel point l'expérience client est importante et c'est pourquoi, chaque jour, nous essayons sans arrêt d'améliorer notre application et notre équipe d'assistance. C'est une grande leçon pour nous de tout améliorer pour mieux vous servir et je souhaite vraiment que nous ayons plus de précieuses chances de vous aider à l'avenir.
N'hésitez pas à nous faire savoir si vous avez des questions ou si vous avez besoin de notre aide. Nous espérons toujours avoir une autre chance précieuse de vous soutenir et de vous aider à l’avenir.
Votre collaboration avec PageFly est grandement appréciée et j'attends avec impatience de vous répondre bientôt.
PageFly | Kate - Responsable du succès client
Clunky to use and incredibly buggy. Still using it because I can't face moving the entire store to another builder but I soon will. There wasn't a single time I had to update the store I didn't have to get in touch with support because of a bug.
Hi there,
We do appreciate your feedback on the App Store. Your feedback helps us to know how we are doing and see the issues of our app to improve it better and better.
We are so sorry for the inconvenience and issues you have encountered with our app. But we feel so thankful that we could contact you to be able to assist you to fix all problems.
With PageFly, customer satisfaction is always our number one priority and we always try to make this.
Once again, we are so sorry for making you unsatisfied with our app, we will try our best to avoid them in the future.
Your recommendations and suggestions are always welcome and appreciated.
Please let us know if you have any questions or recommendations for us.
PageFly | Kate - Customer Success Manager
Horrible support with the premium plan.
Instructions are not very clear. I try to contact the support but very lazy, did not show interest to solve the problem. They just sent a link to resolve the problem by myself. When I ask why did it now works, the reply was you are not following the instructions correctly. I ask, what I am doing wrong. No reply.
Maybe for free is ok, but I am not sure if it´s worth the money.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review on the App Store. I spent a lot of time reading your feedback and also thought about it many times.
Customer satisfaction is always prioritized on top and our whole team is always trying to achieve this. I am sorry for any inconvenience you had with us, we will try our best to improve the customer support to serve you better.
I hope that we will have another chance to assist you.
PageFly | Kate - Customer Success Manager