レビュー (5,954)
Just created the connection but so far everything seems to be seamlessly easy. Just trying to gain an understanding. But we like the fact that we can run ads for our products.
I used this app to conect my store at Shopify with Pinterest and it was very easy to do this. I love it!
Até o momento é excelente, simples e de fácil configuração e ainda ganhei créditos para anúnciar na plataforma.
Excellent loved it, easy and simple
very easy to use. I set up my advertising store with Pinterest and it only took around 10 minutes. I know how many people love pinterest so Im hoping this will help my business to grow
i loved how easy it was to set-up! Just a few clicks and it was done and ready to go. More like a plug and play!
I use this app to promote and to get ideas for cooking. My wife got me interested in Pinterest and I've been addicted ever since. It's also very easy to navigate through
I just love everything about Pinterest. The setup is very well thought up and ran. I like the whole idea pinning things I like to my boards.
it was awesome thanks a lot it helped me very much to start my site and advertising my products a lot thanks
Installazione facilissima , tra le più facili e comode in circolazione ! il credito promozionale per inserzionisti lo offrono solo loro davvero ben fatta e completa ! grazie