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Note (3,1)

À propos de cette application


23 janvier 2014



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Allows printaura customers to integrate their store

With this app customers can have their orders automatically processed by Printaura and push listings for us to process into their store.

With this app customers can have their orders automatically processed by Printaura and push listings for us to process into their store. plus
  • Automatic order processing
  • Listing management
  • Product creation

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58 avis

Note globale
Nombre d’avis par note
  • 47 % des avis sont des avis à 5 étoiles
  • 5 % des avis sont des avis à 4 étoiles
  • 5 % des avis sont des avis à 3 étoiles
  • 2 % des avis sont des avis à 2 étoiles
  • 41 % des avis sont des avis à 1 étoiles
28 mars 2014

Very good customer service. Print Aura does a great job integrating with your Shopify account. Everything is user friendly which makes it easier to get started & making a successful business. Will definitely be using their service for awhile. Check out our site

Crown The Royales
Presque 8 ans d’utilisation de l’application
11 février 2014

Matt at Print Aura is great! He takes the time to help you figure out how to size your items and create mockups, and is very patient with beginners who need explanations. I started with Print Aura a year or so ago and have done lots of business with them. Their lead times seem to have improved and their customer service is great if there is a mistake made on their part. They have a bigger item selection than any of their current shopify competitors and their pricing is competitive. The only thing I wish they had was a mockup creator that was built in, but I know that costs a ton of money to develop. Overall if you need a DTG printer, you should try these guys out!

Campus Retro
Plus de 6 ans d’utilisation de l’application
12 septembre 2018

PrintAura has been great so far! Great quality, minimal issues and very fast and communicative customer support. Their level of professionalism has allowed me to continue to run a smooth storefront. Definitely reccomend!

Plus de 5 ans d’utilisation de l’application
21 septembre 2018

Connie Scalise was awesome!!

Responded immediately with no delay in service.

Solved my problem immediately.

Grant Cardone Training Technologies
Plus de 3 ans d’utilisation de l’application
3 janvier 2020

A very diverse amount of products but a piss-poor grade level of support. No one will talkover the phones to resolve real issues, just email. We took our business elsewhere.

Environ 4 ans d’utilisation de l’application

À propos de cette application


23 janvier 2014



Cette application n’est pas traduite en français

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Note moyenne : 3,1

10 ans d’expérience dans la création d’applications pour l’App Store de Shopify

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