Rezensionen (5.282)
Nach Bewertung
Thanks good work and excellent support the thank you page look really good now.the support made all the work
Thank you so much! We try to be available 24/7 for you. We hope you'll get many upsells!
The customer support team is so great, fast respond, I love it. I highly recommend this app to boost your sale
Thank you for your great review and feedback🙏 Our support team is always ready to help and wishes you many sales😎
Lee-Ann is amazing she helped me instantly!x She was so quick to respond and great person great stuff
Thank you for your amazing review and feedback🙏 Our support team is always ready to help and wishes you many sales 😎
Magnifique app très facile à utiliser je vous remercie recommande et je vous souhaite beaucoup de succès !!!!!!
Impressionnant! Merci beaucoup pour la critique :)
Extremamente simples o uso, fora que a proposta do app é excelente! E o suporte rápido como nunca vi antes! Recomendo
Obrigado por sua ótima revisão e feedback🙏 Nossa equipe de suporte está sempre pronta para ajudar 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana 😎
Start recovering now. absolutely BRILLIANT! stop leaving money on the table! this app will recover the extra money! Love it were using the birthday widget to collect customer birthdays and the post purchase survey to collect more data on our customers. But the best thing about this app is the post purchase upsell (popup upsell and product upsell) the product recommendations are also cool and it boosted my order confirmation page conversion rate. also use the 17track order tracking widget! :-)
What an awesome 5 stars review! Thank you so much! 💪
It always makes us happy to hear when people use the different widgets on our app like product upsell, post purchase surveys, birthday collector and order tracking widgets :)
excellent customer service from ashley, very easy to talk to and very helpful, thank you very much :)
Thank you for your amazing review and feedback🙏 Our support team is always ready to help 😎
I'm still checking but looks good.
A lot of customers are sayinh that's nice and gives you more conversion, let's check
Thanks for the review, we're sure you'll see great results with our thank you page builder :D
Best app of 2019!! LOVE it boost my sales from the order confirmation page.
Thank you for this awesome upsell and order tracking widgets!
Thank you so much for these kind words! keep booming and take advantage of your order status page!
blessing כיעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעע עעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעע
נותן שירות מדויק מהיר ואיכותי
תודה רבה על חוות הדעת שלך, הצוות המטפל שלנו תמיד כאן כדי לעזור.