Keeper—Recover Abandoned Carts

Keeper—Recover Abandoned Carts

Prezzo: gratis
Valutazione (4,3)

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  • Con sede negli Stati Uniti
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  • Si usa dal pannello di controllo Shopify

Informazioni sull’app


8 novembre 2016



Questa app non è disponibile in Italiano

Increase sales by remembering customers’ abandoned shopping cart details across multiple devices.

Recover carts and increase sales. With Keeper, customers who login across multiple devices will find their shopping cart waiting for them, ready to complete their order. How does it work? When a customer who has started shopping on one device (i.e. their mobile), logs into your store on another device (i.e. their laptop), they’ll find their shopping cart waiting for them. This makes it easy to complete their order, resulting in more sales for your store. Recover more abandoned carts today!

Recover carts and increase sales. With Keeper, customers who login across multiple devices will find their shopping cart waiting for them, ready to complete their order. How does it work? When a customer who has started shopping on one device (i.e. their mobile), logs into your store on another device (i.e. their laptop), they’ll find their shopping cart waiting for them. This makes it easy to complete their order, resulting in more sales for your store. Recover more abandoned carts today! altro
  • Increase revenue: Keeper reduces abandoned shopping carts and increases orders.
  • Set and forget: Simply install and Keeper will recover carts automatically.
  • Seamless or customer: Keeper makes shopping across multiple devices easy.

506 recensioni

Valutazione complessiva
Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 69% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 13% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 8% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 4% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 7% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
20 settembre 2023

This isn't working. Not sure what the app does with the valuable data either.

iCowhide UK
Regno Unito
3 mesi di utilizzo dell’app
22 gennaio 2020

Super handy app and a must-have for any store. Having the customer alerted to their old cart and having the option to go straight to it, we see many of our customers use this with NO complaints.

Trim Buddies LLC
Stati Uniti
Oltre 5 anni di utilizzo dell’app
11 luglio 2018

Installed a week ago and since them have had NO abandoned carts whatsoever. Had 12 in our first week so from 12 to nil with this app is amazing and free too!

Test it yourselves - filled basket on mobile and then went to PC to see if it worked and there is a pop up which says 'would you like us to load your previous basket' (or words to that effect) and ping - done.

One of the best apps on Shopify I have found so far.

Curvaceous Beauties Plus Size Lingerie

The Ladies Lingerie Store Plus
Regno Unito
Oltre 5 anni di utilizzo dell’app
7 luglio 2019

Great app!! So glad I came across this app, it is an absolute must-have for every store!!!! Thank you!

Lace Magnolias Boutique
Stati Uniti
Oltre 5 anni di utilizzo dell’app
4 gennaio 2018

Recommend as keeps customers coming back!!

Regno Unito
Oltre 5 anni di utilizzo dell’app

Informazioni sull’app


8 novembre 2016



Questa app non è disponibile in Italiano

Sviluppata da Marsello

Informazioni su Marsello

Valutazione media: 4,5

Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 8 anni

4 Bond Street, Level 4, Wellington, WGN, 6011, NZ


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Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.

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